
Class DropEvent<T extends Component>

    • Constructor Detail

      • DropEvent

        public DropEvent(T source,
                         boolean fromClient,
                         String effectAllowed)

        Creates a server side drop event.


        source - Component that received the drop.

        fromClient - true if the event originated from the client side, false otherwise

        effectAllowed - the effect allowed by the drag source

    • Method Detail

      • getDragData

        public Optional<Object> getDragData()

        Gets the server side drag data. This data can be set during the drag start event on the server side and can be used to transfer data between drag source and drop target when they are in the same UI.


        Optional server side drag data if set and the drag source and the drop target are in the same UI, otherwise empty Optional.

      • getDragSourceComponent

        public Optional<Component> getDragSourceComponent()

        Returns the drag source component if the drag originated from a component in the same UI as the drop target component, or an empty optional.


        Drag source component from the same UI or an empty optional.

      • getComponent

        public T getComponent()

        Returns the drop target component where the drop event occurred.


        Component on which a drag source was dropped.