Class TemplateRenderer<SOURCE>

    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static <SOURCE> TemplateRenderer<SOURCE> of(String template)

        Creates a new TemplateRenderer based on the provided template. The template accepts anything that is allowed inside a <template> element, and works with Polymer data binding syntax.


         // Prints the index of the item inside a repeating list
         // Prints the property of an item
         TemplateRenderer.of("<div>Property: [[]]</div>");

        Type Parameters:

        SOURCE - the type of the input object used inside the template


        template - the template used to render items, not null


        an initialized TemplateRenderer

        See Also:

        withProperty(String, ValueProvider)

      • withProperty

        public TemplateRenderer<SOURCE> withProperty(String property,
                                                     ValueProvider<SOURCE,?> provider)

        Sets a property to be used inside the template. Each property is referenced inside the template by using the [[]] syntax.


         // Regular property
         TemplateRenderer.<Person> of("<div>Name: [[]]</div>")
                  .withProperty("name", Person::getName);
         // Property that uses a bean. Note that in this case the entire "Address" object will be sent to the template.
         // Note that even properties of the bean which are not used in the template are sent to the client, so use
         // this feature with caution.
         TemplateRenderer.<Person> of("<span>Street: [[item.address.street]]</span>")
                  .withProperty("address", Person::getAddress);
         // In this case only the street field inside the Address object is sent
         TemplateRenderer.<Person> of("<span>Street: [[item.street]]</span>")
                  .withProperty("street", person -> person.getAddress().getStreet());
        Any types supported by the JsonSerializer are valid types for the TemplateRenderer.


        property - the name of the property used inside the template, not null

        provider - a ValueProvider that provides the actual value for the property, not null


        this instance for method chaining

      • withEventHandler

        public TemplateRenderer<SOURCE> withEventHandler(String handlerName,
                                                         SerializableConsumer<SOURCE> handler)

        Sets an event handler for events from elements inside the template. Each event is referenced inside the template by using the on-event syntax.


         // Standard event
         TemplateRenderer.of("<button on-click='handleClick'>Click me</button>")
                  .withEventHandler("handleClick", object -> doSomething());
         // You can handle custom events from webcomponents as well, using the same syntax
         TemplateRenderer.of("<my-webcomponent on-customevent=
                  .withEventHandler("onCustomEvent", object -> doSomething());
        The name of the function used on the on-event attribute should be the name used at the handlerName parameter. This name must be a valid Javascript function name.


        handlerName - the name of the handler used inside the on-event="handlerName", not null

        handler - the handler executed when the event is triggered, not null


        this instance for method chaining

        See Also: