
Class AxisTitle

    • Constructor Detail

      • AxisTitle

        public AxisTitle()
      • AxisTitle

        public AxisTitle(String text)
    • Method Detail

      • setAlign

        public void setAlign(VerticalAlign align)

        Alignment of the title relative to the axis values. Possible values are "low", "middle" or "high".

        Defaults to: middle

      • setMargin

        public void setMargin(Number margin)

        The pixel distance between the axis labels and the title. Positive values are outside the axis line, negative are inside.

        Defaults to: 40

      • setOffset

        public void setOffset(Number offset)

        The distance of the axis title from the axis line. By default, this distance is computed from the offset width of the labels, the labels' distance from the axis and the title's margin. However when the offset option is set, it overrides all this.

      • setReserveSpace

        public void setReserveSpace(Boolean reserveSpace)

        Whether to reserve space for the title when laying out the axis.

        Defaults to: true

      • setRotation

        public void setRotation(Number rotation)

        The rotation of the text in degrees. 0 is horizontal, 270 is vertical reading from bottom to top.

        Defaults to: 270

      • setText

        public void setText(String text)

        The actual text of the axis title. Horizontal texts can contain HTML, but rotated texts are painted using vector techniques and must be clean text. The Y axis title is disabled by setting the text option to null.

        Defaults to: Values

      • setX

        public void setX(Number x)

        Horizontal pixel offset of the title position.

        Defaults to: 0

      • setY

        public void setY(Number y)

        Vertical pixel offset of the title position.