
Class ShortcutRegistration

    • Method Detail

      • withModifiers

        public ShortcutRegistration withModifiers(KeyModifier... keyModifiers)

        Configures KeyModifiers for the shortcut. Calling this method will overwrite any previously set modifier keys. Hence, calling shortcutRegistration.withModifiers(); will remove all previously set modifier keys.


        keyModifiers - Key modifiers. Can be empty.


        this ShortcutRegistration

      • bindLifecycleTo

        public ShortcutRegistration bindLifecycleTo(Component component)

        Binds the shortcut's life cycle to that of the given Component. When the given component is attached, the shortcut's listener is attached to the Component that owns the shortcut. When the given component is detached, so is the listener. is detached, the shortcut is removed from all attached scopes.


        component - New lifecycle owner of the shortcut


        this ShortcutRegistration

      • listenOn

        public ShortcutRegistration listenOn(Component listenOnComponent)

        Fluently define the component to listen for shortcuts on. Calling this method will remove any previous listeners.

        This method only exists to retain backwards compatibility after support for listening on multiple components was added with the method listenOn(Component...).


        listenOnComponent - components to listen for the shortcut on. Must not be null.


        this ShortcutRegistration

      • listenOn

        public ShortcutRegistration listenOn(Component... listenOnComponents)

        Fluently define the components to listen for shortcuts on. Calling this method will remove any previous listeners.


        listenOnComponents - Components onto which the shortcut listeners are bound. Must not be null. Must not contain null. Must not have duplicate components.


        this ShortcutRegistration

      • isShortcutActive

        public boolean isShortcutActive()

        Is the shortcut active on the current UI. For this to be true, the lifecycle owner needs to be attached and visible and handler owner needs to be attached.


        Is the shortcut active

      • getKey

        public Key getKey()

        Get the primary Key of the shortcut. Primary key can be any key besides modifier keys.


        Primary key

      • getModifiers

        public Set<Key> getModifiers()

        Get a set of keys where each key is an instance of a KeyModifier.


        Set of modifier keys

      • preventsDefault

        public boolean preventsDefault()

        Deprecated. Replaced by isBrowserDefaultAllowed() in 1.4

        Is the shortcut preventing default key behaviour.


        Prevents default behavior

      • isBrowserDefaultAllowed

        public boolean isBrowserDefaultAllowed()

        Checks if the default key behaviour in the browser is allowed by the shortcut. The default value is false.


        Allows default key behavior

      • setBrowserDefaultAllowed

        public void setBrowserDefaultAllowed(boolean browserDefaultAllowed)

        Set whether the default key behavior is allowed in the browser. The default value is false, and it prevents the default key events from taking place in the browser.


        browserDefaultAllowed - Allow default behavior on keydown

      • stopsPropagation

        public boolean stopsPropagation()

        Deprecated. Replaced by isEventPropagationAllowed() in 1.4

        Is the shortcut stopping the keyboard event from propagating up the DOM tree.


        Stops propagation

      • isEventPropagationAllowed

        public boolean isEventPropagationAllowed()

        Checks if the shortcut allows keydown event (associated with the shortcut) propagation in the browser. The default value is false.


        Allows event propagation

      • setEventPropagationAllowed

        public void setEventPropagationAllowed(boolean eventPropagationAllowed)

        Set whether shortcut's keydown event is allowed to propagate up the DOM tree in the browser. The default value is false, and the DOM event is consumed by the shortcut handler.


        eventPropagationAllowed - Allow event propagation

      • getOwner

        public Component getOwner()

        Deprecated. This component has now multiple owners so this method has been replaced by #getOwners().

        Component which owns the first shortcuts key event listener.



      • getOwners

        public Component[] getOwners()

        The Components which own the shortcuts key event listeners.

