
Class AvatarGroup.AvatarGroupI18n

    • Constructor Detail

      • AvatarGroupI18n

        public AvatarGroupI18n()
    • Method Detail

      • getAnonymous

        public String getAnonymous()

        Gets the translated word for anonymous. It's displayed in a tooltip on hover if the name is not defined.


        the translated word for anonymous. It will be null, If the translation wasn't set

      • setAnonymous

        public AvatarGroup.AvatarGroupI18n setAnonymous(String anonymous)

        Sets the translated word for anonymous.


        anonymous - the translated word for anonymous, not null


        this instance for method chaining

      • getOneActiveUser

        public String getOneActiveUser()

        Gets the translated phrase for avatar group accessible label when having one active user.


        the translated word for the label. It will be null, If the translation wasn't set

      • setOneActiveUser

        public AvatarGroup.AvatarGroupI18n setOneActiveUser(String oneActiveUser)

        Sets the translated phrase for avatar group accessible label when having one active user.


        oneActiveUser - the translated word for the label, not null


        this instance for method chaining

      • getManyActiveUsers

        public String getManyActiveUsers()

        Gets the translated phrase for avatar group accessible label when having many active users.


        the translated word for the label. It will be null, If the translation wasn't set

      • setManyActiveUsers

        public AvatarGroup.AvatarGroupI18n setManyActiveUsers(String manyActiveUsers)

        Sets the translated phrase for avatar group accessible label when having many active users.

        You can use word {count} in order to display current count of active users. For example, "Currently {count} active users".


        manyActiveUsers - the translated word for the label, not null


        this instance for method chaining