Interface RequiredFieldConfigurator

    • Field Detail

      • NOT_NULL

        static final RequiredFieldConfigurator NOT_NULL

        Configurator which is aware of @NotNull annotation presence for a property where the default value is null.

      • NOT_EMPTY

        static final RequiredFieldConfigurator NOT_EMPTY

        Configurator which is aware of @NotEmpty annotation presence for a property where the default value is empty.

      • SIZE

        static final RequiredFieldConfigurator SIZE

        Configurator which is aware of Size annotation with min()> 0 presence for a property where the size of the default value is 0.

    • Method Detail

      • chain

        default RequiredFieldConfigurator chain(RequiredFieldConfigurator configurator)

        Returns a configurator that chains together this configurator with the given configurator.


        configurator - the configurator to chain, , not null


        a chained configurator