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Wednesday, 20 March 2024 15:00 CET / 10AM ET / 14:00 UTC

Upgrading your Java desktop app to the web with Modernization Toolkit

Join us and learn how Vaadin’s Modernization Toolkit automates the modernization process, making it possible to achieve modern, efficient applications faster.

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Webinar - WEDNESDAY, 12 JULY 2023 16:00 CEST / 10AM ET / 14:00 UTC

Practical tips for improving your UX design

Whether your application team includes a design professional or not, this webinar will provide tips that you can put into action right away to start improving your UX.
Webinar - WEDNESDAY, 12 JULY 2023

Bootiful development with Spring Boot 3 and Vaadin

In this webinar, Spring Developer Advocate Josh Long talks about next-gen Spring and its impact on building new projects and upgrading legacy projects.
Webinar - WEDNESDAY, 12 JULY 2023

Building data-centric applications with Vaadin Flow and jOOQ

In this technical webinar, you'll learn tips for building data-centric applications efficiently with Vaadin Flow and jOOQ
Webinar - WEDNESDAY, 12 JULY 2023

Why and how to build a collaborative UX with Vaadin

In this webinar, we talk about real-time, “multi-player” collaboration in the enterprise and how it empowers end users to come together and collaborate when using business-critical web applications.
Webinar - WEDNESDAY, 12 JULY 2023

What's new in Vaadin 24 and Hilla 2 releases

In this webinar, we cover our recently released updates for Vaadin Flow (v24) and Hilla (v2), including simplified UI component styling, SSO Kit for Hilla, and shorter build times for Vaadin Flow.
Webinar - WEDNESDAY, 12 JULY 2023

Trends for Java in the enterprise and strategies for 2023

In this webinar, we outline Vaadin's newly released 2023 State of Java in the Enterprise survey. See how other organizations are approaching Java app development and modernization, and gain practical tips for 2023.

Watch more webinar recordings on YouTube

As well as the webinars listed above, you can watch more Vaadin webinar recordings on our YouTube channel.