
Vaadin Forum: We're moving to Stack Overflow!

Marcus Hellberg
Marcus Hellberg
On Apr 28, 2021 4:14:04 PM

For more than a decade, the Vaadin Forum has been the go-to place to get help with Vaadin-related questions. We want to thank all of you who have helped to make the Vaadin community awesome by asking and answering questions. 

Going forward, we want to provide an even better community experience on Stack Overflow. We will continue to allow responses to open threads until May 16, ensuring plenty of time for a smooth transition, so as to ensure that all questions are answered. Read on for all the details.

Vaadin is joining the larger developer community on Stack Overflow

Vaadin is a part of a large ecosystem of tools, libraries, and languages. In many cases, Vaadin questions also involve other technologies like Spring, Maven, or CSS. When you join the developer community on Stack Overflow, you have access to experts from all of these communities, who can join in helping you find the best solution. 

Vaadin tags on Stack Overflow

When asking questions, use the vaadin tag, along with any other relevant tags. You can find the tags for Vaadin products in the table below.



Stack Overflow Tag(s)

Vaadin Flow


Vaadin Fusion


Version-specific questions

vaadin6, vaadin7, vaadin8, vaadin14, vaadin19...

Vaadin Designer


Vaadin Collaboration Engine


Vaadin Charts


Vaadin TestBench


Join the Vaadin Discord server for casual discussion and opinions

While Stack Overflow is a great forum for getting answers to technical questions, it is not meant for opinionated debates. If you would like to discuss ideas or opinions, we invite you to join our Discord chat at We have some fun and lively debates there. 

Vaadin Forum will become read-only on May 17

Vaadin Forum will be archived in read-only mode on May 17. All the existing content will remain accessible, but you will no longer be able to post new threads or reply to existing threads. 

Get started on Stack Overflow

We encourage you to start posting your questions on Stack Overflow from now on. Remember to add the vaadin and other relevant tags to make sure that the right people find your question. 

Or, if you want to start helping others, you can browse recent Vaadin questions

Stack Overflow is also available in other languages, for example, Spanish, Japanese, and Russian.

See you on Stack Overflow!

Marcus Hellberg
Marcus Hellberg
Marcus is the VP of Developer Relations at Vaadin. His daily work includes everything from writing blogs and tech demos to attending events and giving presentations on all things Vaadin and web-related. You can reach out to him on Twitter @marcushellberg.
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