
Prime subscription price lowered, component factory components open sourced

Pekka Perälä
Pekka Perälä
On Nov 3, 2020 10:56:13 AM
In Product


We have updated our subscription tier pricing and features in order to simplify our subscriptions and make Prime affordable to more members of our community. 

A new, lower price for Prime

First, we have reduced the Prime price from 256€ to 180€/month/seat (USD $290 to $199/month/seat) for teams with 5 or more seats. We have also made Prime available without a minimum seat limitation (previously min 3 seats). This allows individuals and small development teams to benefit from the included support services and other features. The per seat pricing for teams with less than 5 seats is higher than for 5+ seats, due to the related support service costs included in Prime. Pricing details can be found at

The changes mean that more development teams can get support and quick expert advice through Expert chat and Warranty. To offset the Prime price reduction, the ticket-based support called Expert on Demand has moved from Prime to the Enterprise level. 

Component Factory service to be discontinued

We took a hard look at the Component Factory service that was available to Prime customers. This service provided custom component development at a reduced price in exchange for Vaadin retaining the component IPR ownership. Although Component Factory was a promising idea, it was not as popular as we had hoped and we have decided to discontinue the service. Options for sponsored development and development service are still available and our friendly sales team will be happy to assist you on how to get started.

Customers using the Component Factory service can continue to do so until their next subscription renewal, after which the service will no longer be available. 

Component Factory components become open source

We will release almost all components produced by the Component Factory as open-source components under the Apache 2.0 license, thereby making them available to all community members. The two exceptions are Enhanced RTE and Enhanced CRUD that will continue under the commercial CVAL license, as they extend commercial components. 

The community can now use the components as is. If you choose to extend them, we hope you will contribute the results back to others, if possible.

Extended Maintenance for Vaadin 7 available in Prime

In February 2019, free maintenance for Vaadin 7 ended as scheduled by our maintenance guarantee. After that, we offered Extended Maintenance to customers that could not upgrade to newer Vaadin versions. Extended Maintenance is a good fit for large companies with complex applications that want to postpone migration or avoid it entirely. We have since realized that there are many smaller applications (with smaller maintenance teams) that require this feature. From today, Extended Maintenance has become more accessible, as we have moved it from the Enterprise to the Prime tier. Read more details on our support page.

Existing users: continue with your current plan or upgrade

Our current customers remain unaffected by the changes; they can keep their current features and other terms. At subscription renewal time, they can decide if they want to adopt the new terms or continue as is. The exception to this rule is the Component Factory that will no longer be available after the next subscription renewal. 

Customized agreement terms and escrow options available for Enterprise customers

Enterprise customers also get a few new features, including the option to customize their agreement terms and Expert on Demand service, and to make Escrow arrangements with Vaadin. 


If you are interested or would like to hear more about what these changes mean for your subscription, Vaadin sales team is always happy to answer any subscription-related question.

Pekka Perälä
Pekka Perälä
Pekka likes funny hats in many shapes and has tried many on during his career with software projects. Currently he wears a hat under which product management, sales and marketing meet.
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