
GWT.create Call for Presentations

Joonas Lehtinen
Joonas Lehtinen
On May 1, 2014 7:48:00 PM

With 650 attendees, GWT.create arranged for the first time last year was the largest GWT-related conference ever arranged. Next year we want to grow the conference even larger, reaching closer to 1000 developers.

Propose a presentation

We welcome you to share your thoughts on the future of web, GWT and technologies related to it. We are excited to hear what you would like to speak about at GWT.create, what you are working on and what you see as the future of the web platform.

Be a thought leader

As a speaker, you get to hang out with some of the most interesting people in the GWT community. We really hope that you are able to speak both in Mountain View / US as well as in Munich / Germany. This gives you an unique opportunity to spend 3 days in between the conferences planning the future of GWT with these people. You can also treat these days as a cross-atlantic GWT hackathon with the dream team of people who can really make a change on GWT ;)

All presentations are recorded and published on YouTube which last year have gathered over 9000 views so far. We expect this number to double over time. This is truly unique opportunity to speak about technology, dive deeper into it than anywhere else and impact the future of GWT and web applications.

Deadline May 25

The Call for presentations will end on Sun May 25, but please remember: earlier you submit, earlier your presentation will get evaluated and thus better changes it has to end up getting accepted. You will get notified on acceptance in mid June.

Propose a presentation today

Joonas LehtinenJoonas Lehtinen is the CEO and co-founder of Vaadin. He has been working with web app development tools and technologies for over 15 years and speaks frequently in Java conferences around the world. Joonas lives is San Jose, CA, with his wife and 5 year old son. You can follow him on Twitter – @joonaslehtinen

Joonas Lehtinen
Joonas Lehtinen
Joonas is the CEO and co-founder of Vaadin. He has been working with web app development tools and technologies for over 20 years and speaks frequently in Java conferences around the world. Joonas lives is San Jose, CA, with his wife and 10 year old son. You can follow him on Twitter – @joonaslehtinen
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