
Class WindowConnector

    • Constructor Detail

      • WindowConnector

        public WindowConnector()
    • Method Detail

      • delegateCaptionHandling

        public boolean delegateCaptionHandling()

        Description copied from interface: ComponentConnector

        Return true if parent handles caption, false if the paintable handles the caption itself.

        This should always return true and all components should let the parent handle the caption and use other attributes for internal texts in the component

        Specified by:

        delegateCaptionHandling in interface ComponentConnector


        delegateCaptionHandling in class AbstractComponentConnector


        true if caption handling is delegated to the parent, false if parent should not be allowed to render caption

      • init

        protected void init()

        Description copied from class: AbstractConnector

        Called when the connector has been initialized. Override this method to perform initialization of the connector.


        init in class AbstractConnector

      • updateCaption

        public void updateCaption​(ComponentConnector component)

        Description copied from interface: HasComponentsConnector

        Update child components caption, description and error message.

        Each component is responsible for maintaining its caption, description and error message. In most cases components doesn't want to do that and those elements reside outside of the component. Because of this layouts must provide service for it's childen to show those elements for them.

        Specified by:

        updateCaption in interface HasComponentsConnector


        component - Child component for which service is requested.

      • onConnectorHierarchyChange

        public void onConnectorHierarchyChange​(ConnectorHierarchyChangeEvent event)

        Description copied from interface: ConnectorHierarchyChangeEvent.ConnectorHierarchyChangeHandler

        Called by the framework when the list of child components of the connector implementing this interface has changed. The implementation is responsible for attaching the widgets of any new children and detaching the widgets of any removed children. Implementations should typically also make sure that the child widgets are attached according to the ordering of the child components.

        This method is called after the shared state and hierarchy data (i.e. AbstractHasComponentsConnector.setChildComponents(List)) been updated for all affected connectors, but before updating captions, firing state change events, invoking updateFromUIDL for legacy connectors, invoking RPC and starting the layout phase.

        Please note that hierarchy change events are fired in a non-deterministic order when a message from the server causes multiple parts of the hierarchy to change. This means that the old parent connector might not yet have detached a child widget and that the widget of a removed child might already have been attached by its new parent.

        Specified by:

        onConnectorHierarchyChange in interface ConnectorHierarchyChangeEvent.ConnectorHierarchyChangeHandler


        event - the event with information about the hierarchy change

      • postLayout

        public void postLayout()

        Description copied from interface: PostLayoutListener

        Method invoked by LayoutManager to notify the connector that a layout phase has ended. This method can be used to finalize internal layouting, but it is not allowed to change the its own external size or modify the conditions for any children.

        Specified by:

        postLayout in interface PostLayoutListener

      • updateWindowPosition

        protected void updateWindowPosition()
      • updateWindowMode

        protected void updateWindowMode()
      • onMaximizeRestore

        protected void onMaximizeRestore()
      • setWindowOrderAndPosition

        public void setWindowOrderAndPosition()

        Gives the WindowConnector an order number. As a side effect, moves the window according to its order number so the windows are stacked. This method should be called for each window in the order they should appear.

      • hasTooltip

        public boolean hasTooltip()

        Description copied from interface: ComponentConnector

        Check whether there might be a tooltip for this component. The framework will only add event listeners for automatically handling tooltips (using ComponentConnector.getTooltipInfo(Element)) if this method returns true.

        This is only done to optimize performance, so in cases where the status is not known, it's safer to return true so that there will be a tooltip handler even though it might not be needed in all cases.

        Specified by:

        hasTooltip in interface ComponentConnector


        hasTooltip in class AbstractComponentConnector


        true if some part of the component might have a tooltip, otherwise false