
Class ButtonConnector

    • Constructor Detail

      • ButtonConnector

        public ButtonConnector()
    • Method Detail

      • delegateCaptionHandling

        public boolean delegateCaptionHandling()

        Description copied from interface: ComponentConnector

        Return true if parent handles caption, false if the paintable handles the caption itself.

        This should always return true and all components should let the parent handle the caption and use other attributes for internal texts in the component

        Specified by:

        delegateCaptionHandling in interface ComponentConnector


        delegateCaptionHandling in class AbstractComponentConnector


        true if caption handling is delegated to the parent, false if parent should not be allowed to render caption

      • init

        public void init()

        Description copied from class: AbstractConnector

        Called when the connector has been initialized. Override this method to perform initialization of the connector.


        init in class AbstractConnector

      • onClick

        public void onClick​( event)

        Specified by:

        onClick in interface