Package com.vaadin.server.communication
Interface Summary Interface Description JSONSerializer<T> Implementors of this interface knows how to serialize an Object of a given type to JSON and how to deserialize the JSON back into an object.
PushConnection Represents a bidirectional ("push") connection between a single UI and its client-side.
Class Summary Class Description AtmospherePushConnection A
implementation using the Atmosphere push support that is by default included in Vaadin.AtmospherePushConnection.FragmentedMessage Represents a message that can arrive as multiple fragments.
ClientRpcWriter Serializes
client RPC
invocations to JSON.ConnectorHierarchyWriter Serializes a connector hierarchy to JSON.
ConnectorTypeWriter Serializes connector type mappings to JSON.
DateSerializer Server side serializer/deserializer for java.util.Date
FileUploadHandler Handles a file upload request submitted via an Upload component.
FileUploadHandler.SimpleMultiPartInputStream Stream that extracts content from another stream until the boundary string is encountered.
HeartbeatHandler Handles heartbeat requests.
JSR356WebsocketInitializer Initializer class for JSR 356 websockets.
JSR356WebsocketInitializer.FakeServletConfig "ServletConfig" which only provides information from a
and itsServletContext
LegacyUidlWriter Serializes legacy UIDL changes to JSON.
LongPollingCacheFilter A
implementation that handlesAtmospherePushConnection.PushMessage
s to ensure that a message is preserved in theBroadcasterCache
until the client has received it.MetadataWriter Serializes miscellaneous metadata to JSON.
PublishedFileHandler Serves a connector resource from the classpath if the resource has previously been registered by calling
LegacyCommunicationManager.registerDependency(String, Class)
.PushAtmosphereHandler Handles Atmosphere requests and forwards them to logical methods in
PushHandler Handles incoming push connections and messages and dispatches them to the correct
PushRequestHandler Handles requests to open a push (bidirectional) communication channel between the client and the server.
ResourceWriter Serializes resources to JSON.
ServerRpcHandler Handles a client-to-server message containing serialized
server RPC
invocations.ServerRpcHandler.RpcRequest A data transfer object representing an RPC request sent by the client side.
ServletBootstrapHandler ServletUIInitHandler SessionRequestHandler Handles a request by passing it to each registered
in the session in turn until one produces a response.SharedStateWriter Serializes
shared state
changes to JSON.UidlRequestHandler Processes a UIDL request from the client.
UidlWriter Serializes pending server-side changes to UI state to JSON.
UIInitHandler Handles an initial request from the client to initialize a
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Enum Summary Enum Description AtmospherePushConnection.State -
Exception Summary Exception Description FileUploadHandler.UploadInterruptedException An UploadInterruptedException will be thrown by an ongoing upload if