Using multiple external components in Vaadin enabled application

Reading neighbor topics about many interesting third-party components that are growing in incubator here, I just thought, that for now it is not possible to use multiple components from external developers without modifying the source code and building the single widgetset from all custom components. In other words, I cannot just drop several pre-compiled jars and widgetset files into the appropriate folders and just use them.

While this is not a problem for opensource components, it, however, requires extra movements and project structure modifications - add sourcecode from all external widgets being used, add gwt compilation tasks, add compound widgetset assembling and in general increase adoption time.

Or Im wrong with this ?

One of the main targets for DEV team on 2009H2 is to create a component packaging system that would make adding third-party components as easy as just adding one jar to your project (all widgetset rebuilding and integration should be automatic).

I hope that by the end of the year we will have a directory where you could just drag-n-drop new components to your project.

Thanks, that would be really great and like a last stroke to the excellent picture :slight_smile: