How to bind original bean to the basicevent in a calendar?

I’m newbie at vaadin and i want to use the calendar to display a specefic bean called " Visit " so i did as fellow:

for (Visit visit: dao.getAllVisits()){
     BasicEvent event=new BasicEvent();

So i wanted that when i click on the event on the calendar to display all the information related to the Visit entity , exactly like the Vaadin sampler in :
Please any help

The event editor popup is completely custom code in Sampler. Unfortunately, it does not show the source code for that.

Essentially, it catches event clicks with a EventClickHandler, opens the editor form in a Window, and then updates the event according to the data. I’d guess the event editor takes around 50-100 lines or so.

Thank you very much for your ansewer i finally resolved the issue by creatin my own class MyCustomBasicEvent that extends BasicEvent and i added attributes to it and it works good .
Thank you very much