
Class WebComponent<C extends Component>


Type Parameters:

C - type of the component exported as web component

All Implemented Interfaces:


public final class WebComponent<C extends Component> extends Object implements Serializable

Acts as a proxy to the web component root onto which the exporter Component is added. Allows updating web component properties and firing custom events on the client-side.




Vaadin Ltd.

See Also:

  • Constructor Details

    • WebComponent

      public WebComponent(WebComponentBinding binding, Element componentHost)

      Constructs a WebComponent. WebComponentBinding provides the instance of the Component exported as a web component. Binding also defines the properties the web component has. Element is the host element which contains the exported component instance (provided by the binding).


      binding - binds web component configuration to component X

      componentHost - host component X on the embedding page

      See Also:

  • Method Details

    • fireEvent

      public void fireEvent(String eventName)

      Fires a custom event on the client-side originating from the web component. This event does not bubble in the DOM hierarchy.


      eventName - name of the event, not null

      See Also:

    • fireEvent

      public void fireEvent(String eventName, elemental.json.JsonValue objectData)

      Fires a custom event on the client-side originating from the web component with custom event data. This event does not bubble in the DOM hierarchy.


      eventName - name of the event, not null

      objectData - data the event should carry. This data is placed as the detail property of the event, nullable

      See Also:

    • fireEvent

      public void fireEvent(String eventName, elemental.json.JsonValue objectData, EventOptions options)

      Fires a custom event on the client-side originating from the web component with custom event data. Allows modifying the default event behavior with EventOptions.


      eventName - name of the event, not null

      objectData - data the event should carry. This data is placed as the detail property of the event, nullable

      options - event options for bubbles, cancelable, and composed flags, not null


      NullPointerException - if either eventName or options is null

    • setProperty

      public <P extends Serializable> void setProperty(PropertyConfiguration<C,P> propertyConfiguration, P value)

      Sets property value on the client-side to the given value. The required PropertyConfigurationImpl is received from WebComponentExporter when a new property is added for the web component.

      Type Parameters:

      P - type of the property value being set. If the type does not match the original property type, throws an exception


      propertyConfiguration - identifies the property for which the value is being set, not null

      value - new value for the property, can be null


      NullPointerException - if propertyConfiguration is null

      IllegalArgumentException - if PropertyConfiguration is not a correct implementation

      IllegalArgumentException - if the web component does not have a property identified by propertyConfiguration

      IllegalArgumentException - the provided value is not of the type expected by the property