
Class DataSeries

All Implemented Interfaces:

Series, Serializable

Direct Known Subclasses:


public class DataSeries extends AbstractSeries

An array of data points to be displayed in a chart.

The class uses DataSeriesItem to represent individual data points. The class also has various helper methods and constructors that allow passing data as arrays or lists.

See Also:

  • Constructor Details

    • DataSeries

      public DataSeries()

      Constructs an empty DataSeries. Developers should then populate the series with various addData and setData methods.

    • DataSeries

      public DataSeries(String[] categories, Number[] ys)

      Constructs a DataSeries instance containing the given category name, Y value pairs.


      categories -

      ys -

    • DataSeries

      public DataSeries(String name)

      Constructs a new DataSeries instance with the given name.

    • DataSeries

      public DataSeries(List<DataSeriesItem> items)

      Constructs a new DataSeries instance with the given items.


      items - items to be contained in the constructed DataSeries

    • DataSeries

      public DataSeries(DataSeriesItem... items)

      Constructs a new DataSeries with the given items.


      items - items to be contained in the constructed DataSeries

  • Method Details

    • addData

      public void addData(Number[][] entries)

      Adds a list of (x,y) data pairs e.g. [[0, 15], [10, -50], [20, -56.5]... could be inserted as follows new Number[][] { { 0, 15 }, { 10, -50 }, { 20, -56.5 }


      entries - An array of Numbers representing the (x,y) data pairs.

    • setData

      public void setData(String[] categoryNames, Number[] values)

      Sets the data entries, first clearing the old ones. Uses the given category names and numeric values. The categoryNames and values arrays must be of equal length.


      categoryNames - An array of the category names.

      values - An array of the values for each category in the categoryNames parameter.

    • setData

      public void setData(String[] categoryNames, Number[] values, Color[] colors)

      Sets the data entries, first clearing the old ones. Uses the given category names, numeric values, and colors. The categoryNames, values and colors arrays must be of equal length.


      categoryNames - An array of the category names.

      values - An array of the values for each category in the categoryNames parameter.

      colors - An array of colors for each category name, value pair.

    • setData

      public void setData(Number... values)

      Sets the data entries, first clearing the old ones. Uses the same numeric value for names (value.toString) and Y-values.


      values -

    • setData

      public void setData(List<DataSeriesItem> data)

      Sets the data to the provided list of data items.


      data -

    • get

      public DataSeriesItem get(String name)


      name - The name of the data item to find.


      The first DataSeriesItem identified by the specified name. Returns null if no matching item is found.

    • add

      public void add(DataSeriesItem item)

      Adds a data item and immediately updates the chart if it already has been drawn. If the chart has not yet been drawn, all items added will be added to the chart when the chart is drawn.


      item - the data item to be added

      See Also:

    • addItemWithDrilldown

      public void addItemWithDrilldown(DataSeriesItem item, Series series)

      Adds a new item to the series data. And sets the series as its drilldown. Used for eager loading drilldown. Series must have an id. The remaining drilldown configurations can be set in Configuration.getDrilldown()


      item -

      series -

    • addItemWithDrilldown

      public void addItemWithDrilldown(DataSeriesItem item)

      Adds a new item to the series data and enables drilldown for it. Used for lazy loading drilldown. Using async drilldown requires setting Chart.setDrilldownCallback(DrilldownCallback) to return a Series when drilldown is done. The remaining drilldown configurations can be set in Configuration.getDrilldown()


      item -

    • add

      public void add(DataSeriesItem item, boolean updateChartImmediately, boolean shift)

      Adds a data item and immediately sends an update to the chart if so specified. Immediately updating the chart causes it to dynamically add the data point.

      This method is useful if you want to add many items without a client/server round-trip for each item added. Do this by setting the updateChartImmediately parameter to false.


      item - The item to add.

      updateChartImmediately - Updates the chart immediately if true.

      shift - If true, the first item from the series is removed. Handy if dynamically adjusting adding points and fixed amount of points should be kept visible.

    • remove

      public void remove(DataSeriesItem item)

      Removes a given item and immediately removes it from the chart.


      item - The item to remove.

    • getData

      public List<DataSeriesItem> getData()

      Return an unmodifiable list of the data items in this series.

    • update

      public void update(DataSeriesItem item)

      Triggers an update of the chart for the specified data item. Only the Y value of the DataSeriesItem is updated.


      item - The item to update.

    • get

      public DataSeriesItem get(int index)

      Returns DataSeriesItem at given index


      index -


      the Item


      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if data series don't have item at given index

    • size

      public int size()


      the number of data items in the series

    • clear

      public void clear()

      Removes all items from the series.

    • setItemSliced

      public void setItemSliced(int index, boolean sliced)

      Sets a new sliced value to the item with the specified index


      index - Index of the Item to modify

      sliced - When true, the point is sliced out. When false, the point is set in. When null the sliced state is toggled

    • setItemSliced

      public void setItemSliced(int index, boolean sliced, boolean redraw)

      Sets a new sliced value to the item with the specified index


      index - Index of the Item to modify

      sliced - When true, the point is sliced out. When false, the point is set in. When null the sliced state is toggled

      redraw - Whether to redraw the chart after the point is altered.

    • setItemSliced

      public void setItemSliced(int index, boolean sliced, boolean redraw, boolean animation)

      Sets a new sliced value to the item with the specified index


      index - Index of the Item to modify

      sliced - When true, the point is sliced out. When false, the point is set in. When null the sliced state is toggled

      redraw - Whether to redraw the chart after the point is altered.

      animation - When true, the move will be animated with default animation options