
Interface GridDropTargetRpc

  • All Superinterfaces:

    Serializable, ServerRpc

    public interface GridDropTargetRpc
    extends ServerRpc

    RPC for firing server side drop event when client side drop event happens on drop target Grid.




    Vaadin Ltd.

    • Method Detail

      • drop

        void drop​(List<String> types,
                  Map<String,​String> data,
                  String dropEffect,
                  String rowKey,
                  DropLocation dropLocation,
                  MouseEventDetails mouseEventDetails)

        Called when drop event happens on client side.


        types - List of data types from DataTransfer.types object.

        data - Map containing all types and corresponding data from the DataTransfer object.

        dropEffect - the desired drop effect

        rowKey - Key of the row on which the drop event occurred.

        dropLocation - Location of the drop within the row.

        mouseEventDetails - Mouse event details object containing information about the drop event