Class AbstractValidator<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractValidator

        protected AbstractValidator​(String errorMessage)

        Constructs a validator with the given error message. The substring "{0}" is replaced by the value that failed validation.


        errorMessage - the message to be included in a failed result, not null

    • Method Detail

      • getMessage

        protected String getMessage​(T value)

        Returns the error message for the given value.


        value - an invalid value


        the formatted error message

      • toResult

        protected ValidationResult toResult​(T value,
                                            boolean isValid)

        A helper method for creating a Result from a value and a validity flag. If the flag is true, returns Result.ok, otherwise yields Result.error bearing the error message returned by getMessage(Object).

        For instance, the following apply method only accepts even numbers:

         public Result<T> apply(Integer value) {
             return toResult(value, value % 2 == 0);


        value - the validated value

        isValid - whether the value is valid or not


        the validation result