Get the right answers

Vaadin Prime gives you access to Expert Chat, putting your team in the fast track for getting the right answers. Ask our experts anything, anytime and as often as you want. No more costly trial and error or skimming through forums for API help, best practices or architectural advice.

Vaadin-related questions per month

Time to solve a question


Trial and error; combing through forums

Expert chat

Share your worries with our gurus

Fix bugs in Vaadin

The cost of an unfixed bug grows further down the software development lifecycle. Vaadin Prime enables your development team to flag bugs across the entire Vaadin ecosystem (including Framework, free and Pro components, as well as tools) and get in front of the queue. We will fix critical bugs in the next maintenance release.

Vaadin bugs encountered per month

Time to fix a bug


Provide a workaround or an alternative approach


Vaadin will fix it without any additional costs.

Time saved with Prime support

Based on the values that you’ve entered, this is the total amount of time your development team would save by accessing the entire spectrum of Vaadin Prime support (services?).

Total time saved

Investment comparison

  • USD
  • EUR

Team size

Developer salary

Time spent in application development Participation in general company activities and paid leaves fills the remainder of the developer's time

G&A expenses per developer

Opportunity multiplier Value of the development results divided by the cost of the work. This typically reflects the value of the product features shipped and quality improvements in the solution you are building.

Prime subscription

Access all Pro features and support services throughout the entire lifecycle of your application development process.

  • Expert Chat
  • Warranty
  • Tools
  • Talent acquisition assistance

Return on Investment

Return generated

MINUS - Prime investment

DIVIDED BY ÷ Prime investment


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