
V-Leaflet-Editable - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Vaadin wrappers for Leaflet.Editable V-Leaflet-Editable - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Leaflet.Editable is a fresh start for editing controls for the Leaflet slippy map library. Compared to previous drawing extensions it support e.g. holes for polygons and touch devices. This add-on provides server side Vaadin API for this awesome piece of work. It also contains JTS fields that help you to easily bind your GIS Java objects to your Vaadin UI. ## Versions: Main versions follow the parent project [V-Leaflet]( * 1.X series: Vaadin 7.X * 2.X series: Vaadin 8.X * 3.X series: Vaadin 8.X and Eclipse LocationTech version of JTS Topology suite * 4.X series: (yet to be published) Vaadin 10+