
Tabs Extension - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Tab sheet extension Tabs Extension - Vaadin Add-on Directory
# Tab sheet Extension This addon extends the Vaadin 10 Tabs with a few additional features. This features may deprecate in future if the core provides similar functions. ## Development instructions ### Creating a common filter The extension allows you to set a list of filterable components for a `Tabs` instance that should not fire a selection change event. With this feature you may add components, that the user can interact with and let them handle the selection manually. ``` String[] arrayOfTagNames = new String[] {"vaadin-button", "vaadin-text-field", ...}; TabsExtension.createFilterForTabs(tabs, arrayOfTagNames); ``` ### Disable tab selection via keyboard This method is needed when you add writable components (like a text field) as part of you tabs or as a tab sheet component. Otherwise the tab sheet will select text matching tabs when you "type" the respective key. ``` TabsExtension.disableKeySelectionOfTabs(tabs); ``` ### Removing a modification All TabExtension methods will return a Registration with that you may remove the changes from your element. ``` Registration registration = TabsExtension.createFilterForTabs(tabs, ...); // filter activated registration.remove(); // after that call the filter will be deactivated ``` ### Closable tabs The extension comes also with a implementation for closeable tabs. You may use them like other tabs, the only difference is, that the tab shows a close button, that will remove the tab from the tab sheet and handle the selection of a new tab. You may style the tab as wanted. To style the button, just use the `getButton()` method of the tab. ``` CloseableTab closeableTab = new CloseableTab("Label"); closeableTab.addClassName("my-closeable-tab"); closeableTab.getButton().addClassName("my-closeable-button"); ```