
responsive-layout - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Drop in replacement for Vertical Horizontal Layout to make responsive web applications responsive-layout - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Responsive Layout =================== Vaadin is great! Responsive webpages are great... **Wait a minute!! lets put them together!** ![alt text]( ### Features ------------------ * Easily move from Vertical or Horizontal Layouts (uses same api) * Removes Vertical Horizontal Soup from your code * **Performance Boost** very lightweight layout * Looks great on every device * Easy layout customization _**not stuck to anything predefined**_ # Documentation - [ResponsiveLayout]( - [ResponsiveRow]( - [ResponsiveColumn]( # Examples - [Basic]( - [Nesting]( - [Sample Menu]( # Grid Concept - [The Grid System]( # What do you think of ResponsiveLayout? - Please feel free to comment with your thoughts - Report any issues you come across Thanks!