
GridFastNavigation Add-on - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Provides better keyboard handling and other enhancements in Grid's Unbuffered Editor mode for experienced Excel users. Vaadin 7 & 8 supported. GridFastNavigation Add-on - Vaadin Add-on Directory
GridFastNavigation adds several features to the existing Grid unbuffered editor to make it more usable for Excel-style editing applications. Features Vaadin 8: - Enter key can be configured to change column instead of a row - PgDown/PgUp supprt - Tab changes column, Grid can be browsed with cursor keys. - Typing text enables edit mode. (If you start typing with Delete key, the cell will be emptied first) - In ComboBox / DateField cursor down will open popup - The add-on supports TextField, PopupDateField, ComboBox and CheckBox in the edit fields of the editor. - RowEditEvent and CellEditEvent logic - Pressing Esc cancel edit and reset the value - Home/End key support: Home - first row, End - last row, Shift+Home - first column on first row, Shift+End last column on last row (can be disabled) - Server-side focus tracking events either on per-cell or per-row basis - Editor open/close events - DateFields now don't stop working after using up/down arrow navigation - Selecting text when opening editor can be enabled and disabled - Tab navigation skips disabled columns, selected columns can be disabled on editor opening. - Move with enter/shift+enter and tab/shift+tab as well as up/down arrow keys while editing - Allows user to start editing without first opening the editor - Open editor with single mouse click (configurable) - Optional mode to close editor and dispatch edit event when clicking outside of Grid - getItem() method in cell and row edit/focus, editor open events - setFocusedCell(row,col) method sets focused cell programmatically Note, although idea is tempting to use this add-on to enable Grid's with large number of columns, the Grid's performance itself is good upto 20 or 40 columns depending on their content. If you need Excel-style editing with larger number of columns, I'll recommend to use Spreadsheet instead. Notes for Vaadin 7 users: - Version 0.4.0 - 1.2.0 is compatible with 7.7.7 and newer. With older framework versions (7.6.0 to 7.7.6) you need to use 0.3.0, but it does not have all the features. - Vaadin 7 version has not been maintaned since version 1.2.0 and behind 2.5.1 in development
Version with compatibility classes for migration
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Issue Tracker
Source Code - Vaadin 7
Source Code - Vaadin 8
Online Demo

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 0.1.1

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 0.2.0

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 0.2.1

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 0.3.0
### Version 0.3.0 - Implemented the RowEditEvent and CellEditEvent logic - Fixed a bug: Pressing Esc should cancel edit and reset the value - Added Home/End key support: Home - first row, End - last row, Shift+Home - first column on first row, Shift+End last column on last row

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 0.4.0
### Version 0.4.0 - Fixed to be compatible with 7.7.7 and newer. With older framework versions (7.6.0 to 7.7.6) you need to use 0.3.0

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 0.5.0
### Version 0.5.0 - Added support for CheckBox in the edit fields of the editor. - Updated the demo

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 0.5.1
### Version 0.5.1 - Added support for ComboBox in the edit fields of the editor. - Updated the demo

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 0.5.2
Version 0.5.2 - Added support for pageup/down keys in edit mode. - Added possibility configure enter key to change column instead of row - Updated the demo

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 0.5.3
### Version 0.5.3 - Small fix. Editor is now opened with single click also.

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 0.5.4
### Version 0.5.4 - Added option to change column when enter key is pressed on last row (provided that enter key is in row change mode) - Added more java docs - Small bug fix with potential index out of bounds issue

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 0.5.5
### Version 0.5.5 - Fixed minor issue: row edit event not triggered when in bottom right corner - Fixed issue with mouse navigation producing excess row edit events

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 0.5.6
### Version 0.5.6 - Editor will be enabled also by delete key, and the existing value will be deleted.

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 0.5.7
### Version 0.5.7 - Made opening by single click configurable - Bug fixes

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.0.0
First version for Vaadin 8, has same features than version 0.5.7 for Vaadin 7.

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.0
### Version 2.1.0 - Added DeleteButtonRenderer - Demo updated

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.1
### Version 2.1.1 - Fixed DeleteButtonRenderer: Html content mode support in client side was missing - Demo updated

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.2
### Version 2.1.2 * DeleteButtonRenderer, made it boolean type, so that property underneath controls whether the button is enabled or not

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 0.5.9
### Version 0.5.9 - Added support for closing Editor and dispatching event when clicking outside of Grid.

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.3
### Version 2.1.3 dded support for closing Editor and dispatching event when clicking outside of Grid.

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.4
### Version 2.1.4 - Added getItem() CellEditEvent and RowEditEvent (experimental) - Fixed issue #37: Enter now saves the value when closing the editor in the last cell - Fixed issue #35: Listeners should be able to be used automatically now. - DeleteButtonRenderer deprecated, it is now maintained in Grid RenderersCollection add-on. - Updated the demo.

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 1.1.4
### Version 1.1.4 - Added getItemId() to CellEditEvent and RowEditEvent - Fixed issue #35: Listeners should be able to be used independently now. - Updated the demo - Synched the version numbers between 2.x.x / Vaadin 8 and 1.x.x / Vaadin 7 edition

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 1.1.5
### Version 1.1.5 - Added getItemId() to CellFocusEvent and RowFocusEvent - Minor bug fix, there was regression due fix to issue #35

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.5
### Version 2.1.5 - Added getItem() to RowFocusEvent and CellFocusEvent - Minor bugfix, there was regression in fix for issue #35

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 1.1.6
### Version 1.1.6 - Modified CellFocusEvent and RowFocusEvent to return -1 if focus is in Header/Footer - Updated JavaDocs

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.6
### Version 2.1.6 - Modified CellFocusEvent and RowFocusEvent to return -1 if focus is in Header/Footer - Updated JavaDocs

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 1.1.7
### Version 1.1.7 - Changed widgetset.xml filename, Fixed issues #40, #41

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.7
### Version 2.1.7 - Changed widgetset.xml filename, Fixed issues #40, #41

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.8
### Version 2.1.8 - Added ClickOutListener

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 1.1.8
### Version 1.1.8 - Added ClickOutListener

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.9
### Version 2.1.9 - Changed getItem() in selected events to use DataCommunicator, requires Vaadin 8.2+

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.10
### Version 2.1.10 - Solving issue 42: Clarifying setOpenEditorWithSingleClick(true) JavaDoc. Using it will prevent Grid's item click event and selection event getting the click.

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.11
### Version 2.1.11 - Added possibility to add save shortcuts (see: issue #49) - setSaveWithCtrlS(true) -> CTRL+S does save and close editor

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.12
### Version 2.1.12 - Fixing issue #52

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.13
### Version 2.1.13 - Bugfix, cursor up/down did not open ComboBox in IE11

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 1.1.9
### Version 1.1.9 - Fix: Cursor up/down did not open ComboBox in IE11 - Added possibility to add save shortcuts & saveWithCtrlS(true) -> Ctrl + S for Save (issue #49) - Fixed JavaDocs for setOpenEditorWithSingleClick(true) (issue: #42) - Fixed issue #56 - Fixed disabled columns / readonly fields detection (issue: #55)

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.14
### Version 2.1.14 - Fix, disabled columns / readonly fields detection logic was flawed (see: issue #55) - Fixing internal columns handling (see: issue #50) - Fix, Internal method to get item for events, did NPE with empty DataProvider (see: issue #56)

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.15
### Version 2.1.15 - Fix, clickOutListener did not work if FastNavigation was not instantiated with dispatchEditEventOnBlur=true parameter (issue: #54)

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.16
### Version 2.1.16 - Returned disableColumns(..) to EditorOpenEvent. It can be used to disable additional columns from editing.

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.17
### Version 2.1.17 - Fix: Do not fire ClickOutEvent if ComboBox or DateField is open.

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 1.1.10
### Version 1.1.10 - Fix, clickOutListener did not work if FastNavigation was not instantiated with dispatchEditEventOnBlur=true parameter (issue: #54) - Returned disableColumns(..) to EditorOpenEvent. It can be used to disable additional columns from editing. - Fix: Do not fire ClickOutEvent if ComboBox or DateField is open. - Fixing serialization issue

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.18
### Version 2.1.18 - Fixed serialization issue - Made EditorWidgets.registerHandler(..) public so that it is possible to add your custom editor widget handlers, and added java docs. - Fix: Selection of the ComboBox textfield was missing

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.19
### Version 2.1.19 - Fixed issue #63: Numpad input was not filttered properly

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.1.20
### Version 2.1.20 - Fixed issue #64: RowEditEvent fired after ESC-key

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.2.0
Version 2.2.0 - Fixed issue #65: Column indeces where off by one with multiselect model, and column disabling did not work - Changed behavior, FastNavigation will no longer force Editor to be enabled

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.2.1
### Version 2.2.1 - Fixing issue #67: ESC-Click combination froze editor

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.2.2
### Version 2.2.2 - Making possible to have full row validation (see issues #69 and #51) - Updated demo

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.2.3
### Version 2.2.3 - Improvements to full row validation (see issues #69 and #51), with setRowValidation(..) API

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 1.2.0
### Version 1.2.0 - Fixed issue #65: Column indeces where off by one with multiselect model, and column disabling did not work - Changed behavior, FastNavigation will no longer force Editor to be enabled - Fixed issue #63: Numpad input was not filttered properly - Fixed issue #64: RowEditEvent fired after ESC-key - Fixing issue #67: ESC-Click combination froze editor - Improvements to full row validation (see issues #69 and #51), with setRowValidation(..) API - Made EditorWidgets.registerHandler(..) public so that it is possible to add your custom editor widget handlers, and added java docs. - Fix: Selection of the ComboBox textfield was missing

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.2.4
### Version 2.2.4 - Fix bug: Clicking outside Grid when setRowValidation(true) closed editor

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.3.0
### Version 2.3.0 - Added preliminary support for hidden columns, fixes issue #71 - Minor improvements in setRowValidation(true) mode - Updated demo

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.3.2
### Version 2.3.2 - Added convenience method disableAllColumns() in EditorOpenEvent (issue #27) - Fixed bug: Editor opening was jammed if there were no editable columns ### Version 2.3.1 - Fixed bug: Tabing out of bounds caused client side exception.

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.3.3
### Version 2.3.2 - Fixed bug: Client side exception occurred when there were hidden columns (issue #74).

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.3.4
### Version 2.3.4 - Fixed bug: Problem with sorting, edit event did not return right item (issue #76). - Improvement: Home/End key behavior can be disabled with setHomeEndEnabled(false) (issue #75) - New feature: Move focus programmatically with setFocusedCel(row,col) (issue #68) - Updated demo

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.3.5
### Version 2.3.5 - Fixing Editor visible columns out of sync issue (see: ) - Fixing Editor column out of sync when resizing columns (see: )

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.3.6
### Version 2.3.6 - Added fix to Editor not resized when browser window is being resized bug. See:

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.3.7
### Version 2.3.7 - Improvement to row validation mode

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.3.8
### Version 2.3.8 - Further improvement to row validation mode

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.3.9
### Version 2.3.9 - Fix: Grid scroll bar width was not taken into account in Editor resizing

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.3.10
### Version 2.3.10 - Improvement: issue #82 add helper to deal with custom selection models that change internal column calculation - Added fault checkign to setFocusedCel due issue #77 and setChangeColumnOnEnter methods - Improved JavaDocs

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.4.0
### Version 2.4.0 - Added support for NativeSelect, ColorPicker and TextArea - Improved setFocusedCell(..) to address issue #77 - Requires Vaadin 8.4+

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.4.1
### Version 2.4.1 - Made OffsetHelper serializable, to address issue #86 - Fixed JavaDocs

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.4.2
### Version 2.4.2 - Fixed bug: In edit events item and row index were not correct or in sync in certain corner cases

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.4.3
### Version 2.4.3 - Added feature: shift+space will select / deselect the row when editor is open, see issue #90

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.4.4
### Version 2.4.4 - Fixed CellFocusEvent#wasRowChanged() and CellFocusEvent#wasColumnChanged() to work correctly

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.4.5
### Version 2.4.5 - Fixed missing implementation of CellEditEvent#getOldData(), see issue #91

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.4.6
### Version 2.4.6 - Added option to enable selected style in Editor on selected row - Fixed bug in cell focus event not triggered when moving left in multiselect Grid, fixes issue #95

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.4.7
### Version 2.4.7 - Fixed editor cell resizing logic to work also with multiselect mode.

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.4.8
### Version 2.4.8 - Add-on also now supports custom editor widgets extending the base set of editors

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.5.0
### Version 2.5.0 - Fixed typo in method name, fixes issue #97 - Fixed hidden column compensation logic, fixes issue #96 - Codebase maintenance

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.5.1
### Version 2.5.1 - Grid froze when last column was not editable, fixes issue #98

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.5.2
### Version 2.5.2 - Added editRow(row,col) method - Fixed missing disabled editor cell stylenames

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.5.3
### Version 2.5.3 - Added some error handling and JavaDoc improvements

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.5.4
### Version 2.5.4 - Fixed timing issue if editRow(row,col) was called during Grid is updating after dataProvider.refreshAll()

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.5.5
### Version 2.5.5 - Fixed NPE in when using Frozen columns.

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.5.6
### Version 2.5.6 - Fixed column sizing issues in when using Frozen columns.

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.6.0
### Version 2.6.0: - Do not change row if Alt Shift or Ctrl pressed (see issue #102) - Added getKeyCode to EditorOpenEvent (see issue #101) - Added isUserOriginated to CellFocusEvent and EditorOpenEvent (see issue #99)

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.6.1
### Version 2.6.1 - Fixed possible issue when there is empty data set in grid

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.6.3
### Version 2.6.3 - Fix editor column resizing in multiselect mode when horizontal scroll bar is present

GridFastNavigation Add-on version 2.6.4
### Version 2.6.4 - Delay text selection to happen after focus
