
papa-parse - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Polymer 2.0 element for CSV parsing with Papa parse. papa-parse - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-10 ]** papa-parse [![GitHub release](]( [![Published on](]( [![styled with prettier](]( ========== ```html

Parsed CSV table:

Csv string

``` ## Installation ``` bower install --save PolymerVis/papa-parse ``` ## Documentation and demos More details @ []( ## Disclaimers PolymerVis is a personal project and is NOT in any way affliated with Papaparse, Polymer or Google. # papa-parse `papa-parse` is a Polymer 2.0 element to parse CSV files into JSON object(s) with [Papa parse]( `papa-parse` can download and parse a csv file via `url`, or from raw csv strings via `raw`, and File object via `file`. If the `auto` flag is set, `papa-parse` will automatically start the job, otherwise a manual call to the function `start` will be needed. Parse from URL. ```html ``` Parse from raw csv String. ```html ``` Parse from FileReader ```html ``` ```javascript this.$.selectfile .addEventListener('change', function(e) { this.file =[0]; }); ``` There are 2 possible outputs for `rows` - an *array of array of values*, or an *array of objects*. An array of array is returned if the `header` flag is not set, and an array of objects otherwise, where each object is a map comprising of the column name and its corresponding value for the row (e.g. {col1: value1, col2: value2}). ### Handling big files Parsing is synchronous and may block the UI thread (i.e. freeze the screen) if the csv file is big. Parsing with a web-worker via `worker` flag is recommended for big file. However, note that `papaparse.min.js` *should not be bundled* during the build process if web-worker is required as the web-worker needs to load the script. You will also need to correctly reference the location of the script via the `script-path` attribute. You should not use relative path if parsing from `url`, as the web-worker may load from an incorrect path. ```html ``` ```javascript function handleRecord(e, {data, meta, errors}) { console.log(data); } ``` Streaming via `stream` flag is also recommended for big file (`stream` and `worker` are not dependent on each other). However, when `stream` flag is set, `rows` attribute will only return an empty array as none of the records will be persisted. Instead, `papa-parse` will emit an `stream` event of the form {{data: Array[]|Object[], meta: Object, errors: Array, parser: Object}} for each record parsed. ```html ``` ```javascript function start() { app.$.parser.start(); } function handleRecord(e, {data, meta, errors}) { alert(JSON.stringify(data)); app.$.parser.pause(); } ``` # papa-unparse `papa-unparse` is a Polymer 2.0 element to convert JSON arrays or objects into CSV strings with [Papa parse]( **Basic usage** For array of objects, e.g. [{col1: 1, col2: 2}, {col1: 3, col2: 4}] ```html ``` For array of arrays, e.g. [[1,2], [3,4]] ```html ``` ### Download as CSV file ```html ``` ```javascript function download() { document.querySelector('papa-unparse').downloadCsv('somefile.csv'); } ``` ### Other options ```html ```