
Class MenuItemsArrayGenerator<I extends MenuItemBase<?,I,?>>

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.vaadin.flow.component.contextmenu.MenuItemsArrayGenerator<I>
  • Type Parameters:

    I - the menu item type

    All Implemented Interfaces:


    public class MenuItemsArrayGenerator<I extends MenuItemBase<?,I,?>>
    extends Object
    implements Serializable

    A class which is utilized internally by components such as context menu and menu bar. It transform the components added to the menus and their sub menus to the hierarchical items array of the web component.

    See Also:

    Serialized Form

    • Constructor Detail

      • MenuItemsArrayGenerator

        public MenuItemsArrayGenerator(Component menu)
    • Method Detail

      • generate

        public void generate()

        Rebuilds the client-side items array with the current components in the menu and its sub menus.