
Class ConstantPoolKey

  • All Implemented Interfaces:


    public class ConstantPoolKey
    extends Object
    implements Serializable

    Wraps a JSON value that should be stored in the ConstantPool shared between the client and the server. A constant pool key stored as a value in a state node will be encoded as a string containing the id that the client can use for fetching the actual JSON value from the client-side constant pool. This is a way of deduplicating JSON values that are expected to be sent to the same client multiple times, since all references to the same JSON structure will be encoded as the same id.




    Vaadin Ltd

    See Also:

    Serialized Form

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
      ConstantPoolKey(elemental.json.JsonValue json)

      Creates a new constant pool key for the given JSON value.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConstantPoolKey

        public ConstantPoolKey(elemental.json.JsonValue json)

        Creates a new constant pool key for the given JSON value. The value should not be modified after this instance has been created since it might cause the constant pool value to be inconsistent.


        json - the JSON constant, not null

    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public String getId()

        Gets the id used to identify the referenced JSON constant.


        the id used to identify this value

      • export

        public void export(elemental.json.JsonObject clientConstantPoolUpdate)

        Exports the this key into a JSON object to send to the client. This method should only be called once and only by the ConstantPool instance that manages this value.


        clientConstantPoolUpdate - the constant pool update that is to be sent to the client, not null