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OrgChart Add-on

Organizational Chart Addon






This add-on allows you to create organizational charts that can show different hierarchies based on the provided data.

This add-on is based on the JQuery version of the component that you can find here:

Supported library features: data (json), pan, zoom, zoominLimit, zoomoutLimit, direction, verticalDepth, depth, toggleSiblingsResp, nodeTitle, nodeContent, exportButton, exportFilename, exportFileextension (png & pdf), Enable/disable exapand/collapse feature and add a chart title.

Found a bug or have a suggestion? Report it on GitHub

For bug reports, feature suggestions, or questions, please open an issue on GitHub. This makes it easier for us to track and respond efficiently, ensuring you get the best possible support. Your input helps us improve—thank you!

Sample code

OrgChartItem item1 = new OrgChartItem(1, "John Williams", "Director");
OrgChartItem item2 = new OrgChartItem(2, "Anna Thompson", "Administration");
OrgChartItem item3 = new OrgChartItem(3, "Timothy Jones", "Sub-Director");        
item1.setChildren(Arrays.asList(item2, item3));        
OrgChartItem item4 = new OrgChartItem(4, "Louise Night", "Department 1");
OrgChartItem item5 = new OrgChartItem(5, "John Porter", "Department 2");
item2.setChildren(Arrays.asList(item4, item5));       
OrgChartItem item6 = new OrgChartItem(6, "Charles Thomas", "Department 3");	
OrgChart component2 = new OrgChart(item1);
component2.setChartTitle("My Organization Chart Demo - Example 2 - BOTTOM TO TOP DIRECTION");    
OrgChart component1 = getExample1();        
component1.setChartTitle("My Organization Chart Demo - Example 1 - CHART EXPORT AS PICTURE");    
OrgChart component1 = getExample1();
String nodeTemplate = "<div class='title'>${item.title}</div>"+
        		"<div class='middle content'>${}</div>" +
        		"${`<div class='custom content'>${}</div>`:''}";
		component1.setNodeTemplate("item", TemplateLiteralRewriter.rewriteFunction(nodeTemplate));


public OrgChart getExample1() {
    	OrgChartItem item1 = new OrgChartItem(1, "John Williams", "Director");
    	item1.setData("mail", "");
        OrgChartItem item2 = new OrgChartItem(2, "Anna Thompson", "Administration");
        item2.setData("mail", "");


(Loading compatibility data...)

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New features:

  • update orgchart library dependency to 3.7.0 (#66)
Apache License 2.0


Vaadin 14
Vaadin 23
Vaadin 24
Vaadin 22 in 4.2.1
Vaadin 21 in 4.2.1
Vaadin 20 in 4.2.1
Vaadin 19 in 4.2.1
Vaadin 18 in 4.2.1
Vaadin 17 in 4.2.1
Vaadin 16 in 4.2.1
Vaadin 15 in 4.2.1
Vaadin 7.7+ in 1.0.0
Vaadin 8.0+ in 2.0.4

OrgChart Add-on - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Organizational Chart Addon OrgChart Add-on - Vaadin Add-on Directory
This add-on allows you to create organizational charts that can show different hierarchies based on the provided data. This add-on is based on the JQuery version of the component that you can find here: Supported library features: data (json), pan, zoom, zoominLimit, zoomoutLimit, direction, verticalDepth, depth, toggleSiblingsResp, nodeTitle, nodeContent, exportButton, exportFilename, exportFileextension (png & pdf), Enable/disable exapand/collapse feature and add a chart title. #### Found a bug or have a suggestion? Report it on GitHub For bug reports, feature suggestions, or questions, please open an issue on [GitHub]( This makes it easier for us to track and respond efficiently, ensuring you get the best possible support. Your input helps us improve—thank you!
View on GitHub
Online Demo
Source Code
Issue Tracker
Author Homepage

OrgChart Add-on version 1.0.0
First version of the component.

OrgChart Add-on version 2.0.0
Vaadin 8 version. Supports the same features as the 1.0.0 version.

OrgChart Add-on version 2.0.1
Support for drag and drop items from the chart, and also possibility of listening from the server side for such changes

OrgChart Add-on version 2.0.2
Add support for node styling (e.g. change node colors)

OrgChart Add-on version 2.0.3
* Add support for node templates * Fix options chartDepth and chartVerticalDepth * Fix export support in IE * Update OrgChart library to version 2.1.3 * Update jackson-databind dependency because of security vulnerabilities (#7)

OrgChart Add-on version 2.0.4
Added support for click events and tooltips in orgchart nodes.

OrgChart Add-on version 4.0.1
Initial release for Vaadin 14+ (npm mode)

OrgChart Add-on version 4.0.2
* Fixed build problem related to javascript dependency (#14) * Fixed regression problem with Vaadin 14.1

OrgChart Add-on version 4.0.3
Bump jackson-databind to

OrgChart Add-on version 4.0.4
* Bump jackson-databind from to 2.11.1 * Replace vaadin dependency with vaadin-core

OrgChart Add-on version 4.0.5
* Fix: Compatibility for Vaadin 16/17 ([#22]( * Fix: Exported image does not match the displayed orgchart ([#17](

OrgChart Add-on version 4.1.0
### New features: * Provide support for collapsing nodes by default ([#8](

OrgChart Add-on version 4.2.0
### Bugfixes * Move chart initialization to onAttach method ([#37]( * Fix styling when direction is b2t and node template has no content ([#41]( ### API Changes: * Deprecate public method initializeChart() since initialization is automatically performed every time the component is attached. * For compatibility with previous versions, initializeChart() is now a NOP.

OrgChart Add-on version 4.2.1
### Bugfixes * Fix error when parsing integer ids for on click function ([#42]( * Fix setting of expand/collapse functionality ([#50](

OrgChart Add-on version 4.2.2
#### Bug fixes: * fix jquery not defined ([#60](

OrgChart Add-on version 5.0.0
#### New features: * update orgchart library dependency to 3.7.0 ([#66](
