
NPS - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Net Promoter Score widget for Vaadin NPS - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Net promoter score (NPS) is a market research metric that is based on a single survey question asking respondents to rate the likelihood that they would recommend a company, product, or a service to a friend or colleague. Read more at []( This widget implements the functionality to ask and collect users the feedback using the typical 0 to 10 scale. ![]( **Usage:** ``` final NPS nps = new NPS(); add(nps); // Get the score and remove component nps.addValueChangeListener(e -> { replace(nps, new Paragraph("You gave "+e.getValue()+". Thank you for your feedback.")); }); ``` There is also a runnable Spring Boot application you can use as starting point for your own NPS collection. Find out more in [GitHub repository](
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NPS version 0.9.14
Initial release

NPS version 0.9.21

NPS version 0.9.23
Github Release