Network Component
Network provides an easy way to display network graph on web pages
Network is Java API for web component for Vaadin 14+ in NPM Mode. It provides an easy way to display network on web pages.
Known limitations
- This component does not work in a vaadin dialog.
- This component does not work on IE11 and Edge.
License & Author
This Add-on is distributed under Apache 2.0
Component Factory Network is written by Vaadin Ltd.
Sponsored development
Major pieces of development of this add-on has been sponsored by multiple customers of Vaadin. Read more about Expert on Demand at: Support and Pricing
Sample code
Network<NetworkNodeImpl, NetworkEdgeImpl> network = new Network<>(NetworkNodeImpl.class,NetworkEdgeImpl.class); network.setHeight("600px"); network.setWidthFull(); // Hide panel for reusable components network.setTemplatePanelVisible(false);
Network<NetworkNodeImpl, NetworkEdgeImpl> network = new Network<>(NetworkNodeImpl.class,NetworkEdgeImpl.class); network.setHeight("600px"); network.setWidthFull(); // Hide panel for reusable components network.setTemplatePanelVisible(false); // There are more examples in ListenerExampleView network.addNetworkSelectionListener(event -> {"Nodes selected "+ event.getNetworkNodes());"Edges selected "+ event.getNetworkEdges()); });
Network<CustomNetworkNode, CustomNetworkEdge> network = new Network<>(CustomNetworkNode.class,CustomNetworkEdge.class); network.setHeight("600px"); network.setWidthFull(); // Hide panel for reusable components network.setTemplatePanelVisible(false); // You can see the full code in the demo source code network.addNodeEditor(new CustomNetworkNodeEditorImpl());
public static class TemplateEditorView extends VerticalLayout { // Primary Network component private VerticalLayout networkContainer = new VerticalLayout(); private Network<NetworkNodeImpl, NetworkEdgeImpl> network = new Network<>(NetworkNodeImpl.class,NetworkEdgeImpl.class); // Network component for editing the template private VerticalLayout templateNetworkContainer = new VerticalLayout(); private TextField labelField; private Network<NetworkNodeImpl, NetworkEdgeImpl> templateNetwork; public TemplateEditorView() { setPadding(false); setSpacing(false); setSizeFull(); network.setWidthFull(); network.addNetworkUpdateTemplateListener(event -> openTemplateEditor(event.getTemplate())); networkContainer.setPadding(false); networkContainer.setSpacing(false); networkContainer.add(new H3("Edit Network")); networkContainer.addAndExpand(network); templateNetworkContainer.setPadding(false); templateNetworkContainer.setSpacing(false); add(networkContainer, templateNetworkContainer); } private void openTemplateEditor(NetworkNodeImpl template) { templateNetwork = new Network<>(NetworkNodeImpl.class,NetworkEdgeImpl.class, template); templateNetwork.setTemplatePanelVisible(false); templateNetwork.setLeftPanelOpened(false); templateNetwork.setRightPanelOpened(false); Button closeButton = new Button("Save and close", e -> closeTemplateEditor()); networkContainer.setVisible(false); templateNetwork.setSizeFull(); templateNetworkContainer.setVisible(true); templateNetworkContainer.add(new H3("Edit template")); labelField = new TextField("Name of your template"); templateNetworkContainer.addAndExpand(labelField,templateNetwork); templateNetworkContainer.add(closeButton); // bind labelField.setValue(template.getLabel()); } private void closeTemplateEditor() { NetworkNodeImpl template = templateNetwork.getRootData(); template.setLabel(labelField.getValue()); network.updateTemplate(template); templateNetworkContainer.removeAll(); networkContainer.setVisible(true); templateNetworkContainer.setVisible(false); } }
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Update license to Apache 2.0
- Released
- 2020-12-10
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 14
- Browser
- Google Chrome
Network Component - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Network provides an easy way to display network graph on web pagesView on GitHub
Network Component version 1.0.0
First version
Network Component version 1.2.0
New features:
* You can now export and import your network in json
* toggle mode is implemented
Bugs fix:
* setScale was not working
Network Component version 1.3.0
Update license to Apache 2.0