
MessageDialog for Vaadin Flow - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Message dialog component for Vaadin Flow MessageDialog for Vaadin Flow - Vaadin Add-on Directory
A dialog component providing an easy way to create custom message, confirmation, question dialogs etc. In case the default layout isn't enough, each area of the dialog (header, content, footer) can be fully customized. Uses a CSS property of the Lumo theme, so it might not work correctly with Material.
Source Code

MessageDialog for Vaadin Flow version 1.0.0

MessageDialog for Vaadin Flow version 1.1.0
- setMessage(...) now turns newlines into actual line breaks. - Added setMessageAsHtml(...) to support easily formatted messages.

MessageDialog for Vaadin Flow version 1.1.1
- Width and height of the icon are no longer overridden.