Vaadin 14 LTS and Leaflet 1.6.0 integration with PolymerTemplate
Leaflet4Vaadin provides a Java API for Leaflet, which is a popular map implementation.
With this Vaadin add-on you can use LeafletJS with java on server side.
If you want to contribute this add-on on github no hesitate just contact me.
Core Features:
- map configuration
- interactive layers
- map and layer events
- markers
- tooltip and popup binding
- layer groups
- vector layers
- dark theme
- map controls (zoom, layers, scale)
- map state functions
- tile layers
- GeoJSON supports
- supports Leaflet plugins (eg.: fullscreen, heatmap, markercluster)
Future improvements
- i18n supports
- leaflet editable plugin integration
- design and performance improvements
- use Typescript on client-side instead of JS
- supports parameters in custom events
- bugfixes
Example usage
MapOptions options = new DefaultMapOptions();
options.setCenter(new LatLng(47.070121823, 19.204101562500004));
LeafletMap leafletMap = new LeafletMap(options );
Please report the issues here: https://github.com/Gubancs/leaflet4vaadin/issues
Feel free to donate: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=8M9BEK428U6AW&source=url
Sample code
MapOptions options = new DefaultMapOptions(); options.setCenter(new LatLng(47.070121823, 19.204101562500004)); options.setZoom(7); LeafletMap leafletMap = new LeafletMap(options ); leafletMap.setBaseUrl("https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png"); add(leafletMap);
MapOptions options = new DefaultMapOptions(); options.setCenter(new LatLng(47.070121823, 19.2041015625)); options.setZoom(7); LeafletMap leafletMap = new LeafletMap(options); leafletMap.setBaseUrl("https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png"); leafletMap.onClick((e) -> { Notification.show("New marker added to map.", 3000, Position.TOP_CENTER); Marker marker = new Marker(e.getLatLng()); marker.bindPopup("My added marker!"); marker.addTo(leafletMap); });
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Minor changes
- Add className to Tootip (#27)
- Added empty constructor for LatLngBounds
- Merged a pull request (Fix typo (widht -> width))
- Released
- 2020-11-26
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 14+
- Polymer 2.0+
- Polymer 3.0+
- Vaadin 10+ in 0.2.2-beta
- Browser
- N/A
Leaflet4Vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Vaadin 14 LTS and Leaflet 1.6.0 integration with PolymerTemplateExample Source Code with Vaadin Flow V15
Online Demo
Issue tracker
Source Code
Leaflet4Vaadin version 0.2.2-beta
- source code has been shared on github
- tile layer handling
- minor bugfixes
Leaflet4Vaadin version 0.2.3-beta
Bug fixes
- fixed CSS and Javascript loading issues
- fixed not all tiles loaded until resize window
- improved leaflet-lumo-theme.css
Leaflet4Vaadin version 0.2.4-beta
- enhanced event handling
- simple GeoJSON support using Vivid Solutions JTS API
- implemented map geolocation method
- implemented map state getter and setter methods
- new map options
- minor bug fixes
Leaflet4Vaadin version 0.2.5-beta
- added map conversion methods
- fixed map initialization
- other minor changes
Leaflet4Vaadin version 0.3.0-beta
#### New features
* DivIcon basic type
* MarkerCluster plugin integration
* HeatLayer plugin integration
* FullScreen plugin integration
* Added the LayersControl
#### Improvements
* Improved layer handling
* Better map performance
* Better support to implement new plugins in the future
* Added new examples
#### Bug fixes
* Map not displayed when leafletMap.fitBounds(LatLngBounds) is called #7
* Unable to get center and zoom attributes after move or zoom events ended #13
* There is no option to disable layers control. #10
Leaflet4Vaadin version 0.3.1
##### Bug fixes
* Multipolygon#getBounds() will always return 0;0 as south-west bounds (#16)
* Fixed JavaDoc warnings
Leaflet4Vaadin version 0.3.2
Leaflet.Canvas-Markers plugin integration
Leaflet4Vaadin version 0.4.0
KMZ layer plugin
Leaflet4Vaadin version 0.5.0
Minor changes
* Add className to Tootip (#27)
* Added empty constructor for LatLngBounds
* Merged a pull request (Fix typo (widht -> width))