Image Crop Add-on - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Image Crop Add-on for Vaadin FlowComponent for cropping images.
Wrapper for React component [react-image-crop](
#### Features
The component allows to crop images and configure the following properties for a customized crop:
* crop dimensions (unit, x and y coordinates, width, and height)
* aspect ratio (for example, 1 for a square or 16/9 for landscape)
* circular crop (selection are has circular shape)
* keep selection (selection can't be disabled if the user clicks outside the selection area)
* disabled (cannot resize or draw a new crop)
* locked (cannot create or resize a crop, but can still drag the existing crop around)
* min width (minimum crop width)
* min height (minimum crop height)
* max width (maximum crop width)
* max height (maximum crop height)
* rule of thirds (to show rule of thirds lines in the cropped area)
The cropped image result can be obtain as a URI using `getCroppedImageDataUri` method
or as a Base64 encoded byte array by using `getCroppedImageBase64` method.
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Image Crop Add-on version 1.0.0
Initial release
Image Crop Add-on version 1.1.0
#### New features:
* Add method to set full height to image ([#5](