
paper-range-slider - Vaadin Add-on Directory

A material design-style range-slider, composed of paper-slider elements paper-range-slider - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-10 ]** [![Published on](]( # paper-range-slider - v1.0.4 `paper-range-slider` allows the user to select a range of values within a given (possibly wider) range. values are selected by moving the position of two knobs, or by dragging the selected range of values within the allowed limits. `paper-range-slider - v1.*` is compatible with `Polymer v2.*` (For `Polymer v1.*`, use `paper-range-slider - v0.2.7`.) ## Bower installation Do either ```bash bower install IftachSadeh/paper-range-slider ``` or add the following to your `bower.json`: ``` "dependencies": { "paper-range-slider": "git://" }, ``` ## Examples: ### Basic use: ```html ``` ### Additional options - Use `min` and `max` to specify the limits of values for the slider (the lower and upper bounds). - Use `value-min` and `value-max` to set the initial position of the two knobs (the selected range of values). - Use `value-diff-min` and `value-diff-max` to set the minimal and maximal allowed difference between the lower and upper selected values. - Use `always-show-pin` to never hide the pins. - The following options apply, as for paper-slider: `snaps`, `pin`, `step`, `disabled`. ```html ``` - The current position of the knobs (selected range of values) may be accessed by setting up a listener to the `updateValues` event: ```html ``` - One can programmatically set the selected range by e.g., ```javascript window.addEventListener('WebComponentsReady', function(e) { var myMin = 10, myMax = 90, myEventName = 'setValues'; document.querySelector("#myPaperRangeSliderId").setValues(myMin,myMax,myEventName); }); ``` The third argument (`myEventName`) is an optional event name, which will be propagated to e.g., `on-value-min-changed` events. It is allowed to set `myMin` and/or `myMax` to `null` or to a value outside of the allowed range, in order to ignore them, e.g., use the following to only change the lower value: ```javascript document.querySelector("#myPaperRangeSliderId").setValues(10,null); ``` - Likewise, one can set the minimal and maximal values of the slider (the lower and upper bounds), the step-size, the minimal and maximal difference between selected values, and the disabled state. These correspond respectively to the following: ```javascript document.querySelector("#myPaperRangeSliderId").setMin(myMin); document.querySelector("#myPaperRangeSliderId").setMax(myMax); document.querySelector("#myPaperRangeSliderId").setStep(myStep); document.querySelector("#myPaperRangeSliderId").setValueDiffMin(myValueDiffMin); document.querySelector("#myPaperRangeSliderId").setValueDiffMax(myValueDiffMax); document.querySelector("#myPaperRangeSliderId").setDisabled(isDisabled); ``` - One can get the ratio of the current slider values in percent (within `[0,1]`) by e.g., ```javascript var ratioMinMax = document.querySelector("#myPaperRangeSliderId").getRatio(); ``` - The `tapValueExtend`, `tapValueReduce` and `tapValueMove` properties control what happens when a user taps the slider (not e.g., relevant for when the user drags the selected range). The `tapValueExtend` property (`true` by default) allows to modify the selected range of values, by tapping on the slider below or above the selected range. On the other hand, `tapValueReduce` (`false` by default) allows to modify the selected range of values, by tapping on the slider within the selected range. Finally `tapValueMove` supersedes the `tapValueExtend` and `tapValueReduce` properties if set (it is `false` by default). If `tapValueMove` is enabled, tapping the slider will update the selected range, while keeping the same difference between valueMin and valueMax. One may set these properties by e.g., ```html ``` or programmatically with ```javascript document.querySelector("#myPaperRangeSliderId").setTapValueExtend(isTapValueExtend); document.querySelector("#myPaperRangeSliderId").setTapValueReduce(isTapValueReduce); document.querySelector("#myPaperRangeSliderId").setTapValueMove(isTapValueMove); ``` - The above properties which do not have an explicit method, may be reset directly. In order for the changes to take effect properly, use the `init()` method. For instance, to change the `alwaysShowPin` option of an already-defined slider, do: ```javascript document.querySelector("#myPaperRangeSliderId").alwaysShowPin = true; document.querySelector("#myPaperRangeSliderId").init(); ``` - It is possible to "revert" the `paper-range-slider` into a `paper-slider` (and back again) by ```html ``` or programmatically with ```javascript document.querySelector("#myPaperRangeSliderId").setSingleSlider(isSingleSlider); ``` In this case, the minimal value of the range is effectively ignored. The value of the single slider may now be manipulated with e.g., ```javascript // set a new value for the single slider var setVal = 90; document.querySelector("#myPaperRangeSliderId").setValues(null,setVal); // get the current value of the single slider var valNow = document.querySelector("#myPaperRangeSliderId").valueMax; ``` See also the examples in `test/basic-test.html`. ## Styling The following custom properties are available for styling: Custom property | Description | Default ----------------|-------------|---------- `--paper-range-slider-lower-color` | color for range below selected range | `--paper-grey-400` `--paper-range-slider-active-color` | color of selected range | `--primary-color` `--paper-range-slider-higher-color` | color for range above selected range | `--paper-grey-400` `--paper-range-slider-knob-color` | color of knobs | `--primary-color` `--paper-range-slider-pin-color` | color of pins | `--primary-color` `--paper-range-slider-pin-start-color` | The color of the pin at the far left | `--paper-grey-400` `--paper-range-slider-knob-start-color` | The fill color of the knob at the far left | `transparent` `--paper-range-slider-knob-start-border-color` | The border color of the knob at the far left | `--paper-grey-400` --- The license for this code is the The MIT License (MIT), as given in LICENSE.txt. ---