
FieldBinder - Vaadin Add-on Directory

FieldBinder is a single field binding buffer, a little sibling to Binder with similar API FieldBinder - Vaadin Add-on Directory
# FieldBinder Add-on for Vaadin 8 & 10+ FieldBinder is a little sibling of Binder for special case of single field bindings. FieldBinder enables to use same Converters, Validators and similar API to Binder with single field binding. FieldBinder connects one Field component with value with one direction binding. A binder is a binding, representing the mapping of a single field, through converters and validators, and acts as a buffer for bound value. A binder instance can be bound to a single value and field instance at a time, but can be rebound as needed. This add-on does not have client side implementation, widgetset compilation is not needed.