
Enhanced DatePicker - Vaadin Add-on Directory

DatePicker with ability to format by pattern Enhanced DatePicker - Vaadin Add-on Directory
# EnhancedDatePicker component for Vaadin Flow ## Note Vaadin 22 and Vaadin 14.8 There is major update in DatePicker component in Vaadin 22 and Vaadin 14.8 frameworks. The features of this add-on have been incorporated into standard DatePicker component, thus it is not recommended and not needed to use this add-on with these and newer versions of the framework. ## Enhanced DatePicker This project is extending [DatePicker component for Vaadin Flow]( On top of basic functionality of DatePicker, it has ability to format date by pattern. Formatting is done by JavaScript library [date-fns v2.0.0-beta.2]( More information about supported formatting paterns can be found here: Pattern can be set using method `setPattern(String pattern)`. For example: ```java EnhancedDatePicker datePicker; datePicker.setPattern("dd-MMM-yyyy"); ``` or by using constructor: `new EnhancedDatePicker(, "dd-MMM-yyyy");` This component can be used in combination with [``]( In HTML/JS template you can add `` and in Java side, you can bind it to `EnhancedDatePicker` like this: ```java @Id("datePickerId") private EnhancedDatePicker datePicker; ``` As this component is replacement for DatePicker, please make sure that you use helper classes(like ChangeEvent, OpenedChangeEvent or InvalidChangeEvent) from `EnhancedDatePicker` and not form `DatePicker`. NOTE: Localisation in this component is also done by DateFns and some locales for some patterns are not stable: for example Russian and French for pattern `MMM`(it adds '.' in the end of month and then it can not parse it back) NOTE: This component extends vaadin-date-picker-flow version 2.1.0, if you update Vaadin to newer version, you may need to do maven exclusion to this dependency. ### Sponsored development Major pieces of development of this add-on has been sponsored by multiple customers of Vaadin. Read more about Expert on Demand at: [Support]( and [Pricing](