
Chart.js Add-on - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Vaadin wrapper for the very popular Chart.js charting library. Chart.js Add-on - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Vaadin wrapper for the Chart.js charting library. **Features** Fluent api to configure the charts Extensive Demo with lots of examples and code view Supported chart types are * Horizontal and vertical Bar chart * Line chart * Donut chart * Pie chart * Polar area chart * Bubble chart * Radar chart * Scatter line chart Zoom / Pan support Data point click listener Timescale **Alternative maven repository** Maven ``` false central bintray com.byteowls vaadin-chartjs 1.3.0 ``` Gradle ``` repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { compile ("com.byteowls:vaadin-chartjs:1.3.0") } ``` **Do you like it?** If you like it and appreciate the work I'm doing, please star it on Github and here at the Vaadin Directory. Thanks. **Browser support** Any browser, which supports the canvas element will work. For more documentation on usage please visit the [project's page at Github]( If you experience any problems or have a feature request please use the [issue tracker at Github](