
bwt-uploader - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Polymer component that allows uploading of images and pdf files bwt-uploader - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-10 ]** ## About `bwt-uploader` is a file uploader with support for pdf files, jpeg, png and bmp images written in Polymer. It follows a plug and play model with a few configurations needed to enable certain features. It is partially inspired by the vaadin uploader and came out as a result of a component we built at Blue Water Tracks. Images are converted to base64 images which might increase the size of the file by a small percentage. ## Features - Simple Drag and Drop along with browse option - Ability to upload images and pdf files - Down sample and resize images (optional) - Ability to upload pdf files - Preview of pdf and image files (just the first page in case of pdf files) - Progress Bar - Configurable AJAX options as well as ability to insert extra fields into the upload object - Ability to skip downsampling of image - Configurable maximum file size - Customizable CSS and shape of preview area ## Installation To install `bower install bwt-uploader` To run the code, head into the component's folder and run `polymer serve` To run the tests `polymer test` ## Demo And Documentation [][cf34a7bc] [cf34a7bc]: "Demo page" ## Example A simple example of an Image upload `` ## Feedback and Contributions Both are welcome, feel free to create an issue and we will try to come up with fixes or added features for requests. ## Contributors | | | | |----------|:-------------:|------:| | [![@bhargavkonkathi](]( | Programming is like playing chess; each line is as important as each step to determine what kind of player or programmer you are. When ever not playing chess, it's Javascript, Java and mongodb. | [![@maisnamraju](]( | Javascript Ninja; saving the world with one line of javascript at a time. ;) | [![@dhrytsenko](]( | What is my opinion about JavaScript, NodeJS, MongoDB and Polymer? Building blocks to the future! Allowing me to help make the world a better place. ## LICENSE This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.