
Leaflet - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Leaflet component provides a JAVA API for Leaflet maps library. Leaflet - Vaadin Add-on Directory
### Description JAVA API for [Leaflet maps library]( Based on [leaflet4vaadin]( ### Features - map configuration - interactive layers - map and layer events - markers - tooltip and popup binding - layer groups - vector layers - dark theme - map controls (zoom, layers, scale) - map state functions - tile layers - GeoJSON support - support for Leaflet plugins: - [Leaflet.heat]( - [leaflet.fullscreen]( - [leaflet-kmz]( - [Leaflet.markercluster]( - [Leaflet.Canvas-Markers]( - support for [Esri Leaflet plugins]( - L.esri.DynamicMapLayer - L.esri.TiledMapLayer - L.esri.Vector.vectorBasemapLayer