
typography - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Polymer and Sass custom styles/mixins for applying D2L typography typography - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-22 ]** # d2l-typography [![Published on](]( [![Bower version][bower-image]][bower-url] [![Build status][ci-image]][ci-url] A set of [Polymer]( and [Sass]( mixins for applying D2L typography. For further information on this and other components, refer to [The Brightspace UI Guide]( ## Installation `d2l-typography` can be installed from [Bower][bower-url]: ```shell bower install d2l-typography ``` ## Typography Styles The following typography styles are available for use in your application: ### Standard Body "Standard Body" can be used to apply base font properties, but will also respond to viewport width changes. ![screenshot of standard text](/screenshots/standard.png?raw=true) ### Compact Body Compact body is a smaller version of the standard body style, for use in areas that prefer to be conservative with the amount of real estate used by text. ![screenshot of compact text](/screenshots/compact.png?raw=true) The compact style is not recommended for blocks of readable text, particularly in paragraph form. Rather, it is best employed for brief informative text or calls to action. ### Small Body Never used by itself; always in support of another piece of content on the page. Used for inline assistive text in forms, and for specifying metadata or properties of an existing piece of content. ![screenshot of small text](/screenshots/small.png?raw=true) ### Label Text Used for labels. Its font size/line spacing is relative to the root font and respond to viewport width changes. ![screenshot of small text](/screenshots/label.png?raw=true) ### Headings There are four available heading styles. These would typically be applied to the `

`, `

`, `

` and `

` HTML elements, though it's not a requirement. ![screenshot of headings](/screenshots/headings.png?raw=true) ## Usage Typography fonts and styles can be applied using either [Polymer]( or [Sass]( mixins. Which one you use depends on your technology stack and comfort with each, however since Sass compiles to native CSS it's more performant. ### Sass Import the main `d2l-typography.scss` file into your application's Sass. Then call the `d2l-typography-font-face()` mixin to define the web fonts and apply the `d2l-typography()` mixin to your `` element: ```sass @import 'bower_components/d2l-typography/d2l-typography.scss'; @include d2l-typography-font-face(); body { @include d2l-typography(); } ``` Mixins are also available for standard body, compact body, small body and heading styles: ```sass .standard { @include d2l-body-standard(); } .compact { @include d2l-body-compact(); } .small { @include d2l-body-small(); } .label { @include d2l-label-text(); } h1 { @include d2l-heading-1(); } h2 { @include d2l-heading-2(); } h3 { @include d2l-heading-3(); } h4 { @include d2l-heading-4(); } ``` ### Polymer Include the [webcomponents.js]( "lite" polyfill (for browsers who don't natively support web components), import `d2l-typography.html`, and include `d2l-typography` in a custom style block: ```html ``` The `d2l-typography` class can be used to set base font properties, typically applied to the `` element. ```html ... ``` Additional CSS classes are available for standard body, compact body, small body and headings: ```html





``` ### Responsive Breakpoint The fonts for headings, standard body, and compact body will all be styled to be smaller at a responsive breakpoint, defined as when the viewport width is 615px or smaller. ### Note About Font Size Normally within Brightspace, the user-configured base font size will automatically be present, and requires no additional work to opt-in. However, if your application exists outside of Brightspace, you should set your desired font size on the `` element. The default recommended size is `20px`: ```css html { font-size: 20px; } ``` ## Coding styles See the [Best Practices & Style Guide]( for information on naming conventions, plus information about the [EditorConfig]( rules used in this repo. [bower-url]: [bower-image]: [ci-url]: [ci-image]: ## Versioning Commits and PR merges to master will automatically do a minor version bump which will: * Update the version in `package.json` * Add a tag matching the new version * Create a github release matching the new version By using either **[increment major]** or **[increment patch]** notation inside your merge message, you can overwrite the default version upgrade of minor to the position of your choice.