Legacy theme in MPR
By default the theme used with MPR is 'valo' and this can be changed with
adding the MprTheme
annotation with the wanted theme name to your root navigation
level, RouterLayout or to the top level @Route.
The closest instance found will be used for first initialization for
a UI
instance, but the recommendation would be to put it always on the
top most RouterLayout
in the view chain.
| Runtime changing of the theme is not supported |
public class MainLayout extends Div implements RouterLayout {
@Route(value = "", layout = MainLayout.class)
public class RootTarget extends Div {
public RootTarget() {
LegacyWrapper addressbookWrapper = new LegacyWrapper(
new AddressbookLayout());
The theme can be a old legacy styles.css
theme or a styles.scss
In the case of a SASS theme, on-the-fly compilation works
out of the box without any changes.
Using your custom theme
Using your own Vaadin legacy theme remains the same as it was. Create your theme by following the instructions in the themes documentation for Vaadin 7 or Vaadin 8.
Then just add the @MprTheme
annotation with your theme name on the
instance and your theme will be used for the legacy
framework part.