Interface MethodEventSource

    • Method Detail

      • addListener

        void addListener​(Class<?> eventType,
                         Object object,
                         Method method)

        Registers a new event listener with the specified activation method to listen events generated by this component. If the activation method does not have any arguments the event object will not be passed to it when it's called.

        For more information on the inheritable event mechanism see the com.vaadin.event package documentation.

        eventType - the type of the listened event. Events of this type or its subclasses activate the listener.
        object - the object instance who owns the activation method.
        method - the activation method.
        IllegalArgumentException - unless method has exactly one match in object
      • addListener

        void addListener​(Class<?> eventType,
                         Object object,
                         String methodName)

        Registers a new listener with the specified activation method to listen events generated by this component. If the activation method does not have any arguments the event object will not be passed to it when it's called.

        This version of addListener gets the name of the activation method as a parameter. The actual method is reflected from object, and unless exactly one match is found, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

        For more information on the inheritable event mechanism see the com.vaadin.event package documentation.

        eventType - the type of the listened event. Events of this type or its subclasses activate the listener.
        object - the object instance who owns the activation method.
        methodName - the name of the activation method.
        IllegalArgumentException - unless method has exactly one match in object
      • removeListener

        void removeListener​(Class<?> eventType,
                            Object target)
        Removes all registered listeners matching the given parameters. Since this method receives the event type and the listener object as parameters, it will unregister all object's methods that are registered to listen to events of type eventType generated by this component.

        For more information on the inheritable event mechanism see the com.vaadin.event package documentation.

        eventType - the exact event type the object listens to.
        target - the target object that has registered to listen to events of type eventType with one or more methods.
      • removeListener

        void removeListener​(Class<?> eventType,
                            Object target,
                            Method method)
        Removes one registered listener method. The given method owned by the given object will no longer be called when the specified events are generated by this component.

        For more information on the inheritable event mechanism see the com.vaadin.event package documentation.

        eventType - the exact event type the object listens to.
        target - the target object that has registered to listen to events of type eventType with one or more methods.
        method - the method owned by the target that's registered to listen to events of type eventType.
      • removeListener

        void removeListener​(Class<?> eventType,
                            Object target,
                            String methodName)

        Removes one registered listener method. The given method owned by the given object will no longer be called when the specified events are generated by this component.

        This version of removeListener gets the name of the activation method as a parameter. The actual method is reflected from the target, and unless exactly one match is found, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

        For more information on the inheritable event mechanism see the com.vaadin.event package documentation.

        eventType - the exact event type the object listens to.
        target - the target object that has registered to listen to events of type eventType with one or more methods.
        methodName - the name of the method owned by target that's registered to listen to events of type eventType.