Package com.vaadin.ui

Class TextArea

    • Constructor Detail

      • TextArea

        public TextArea()
        Constructs an empty TextArea.
      • TextArea

        public TextArea​(String caption)
        Constructs an empty TextArea with given caption.
        caption - the caption for the field.
      • TextArea

        public TextArea​(Property dataSource)
        Constructs a TextArea with given property data source.
        dataSource - the data source for the field
      • TextArea

        public TextArea​(String caption,
                        Property dataSource)
        Constructs a TextArea with given caption and property data source.
        caption - the caption for the field
        dataSource - the data source for the field
      • TextArea

        public TextArea​(String caption,
                        String value)
        Constructs a TextArea with given caption and value.
        caption - the caption for the field
        value - the value for the field
    • Method Detail

      • getState

        protected TextAreaState getState()
        Description copied from class: AbstractComponent
        Returns the shared state bean with information to be sent from the server to the client. Subclasses should override this method and set any relevant fields of the state returned by super.getState().
        getState in class AbstractTextField
        updated component shared state
      • setRows

        public void setRows​(int rows)
        Sets the number of rows in the text area.
        rows - the number of rows for this text area.
      • getRows

        public int getRows()
        Gets the number of rows in the text area.
        number of explicitly set rows.
      • setWordwrap

        public void setWordwrap​(boolean wordwrap)
        Sets the text area's word-wrap mode on or off.
        wordwrap - the boolean value specifying if the text area should be in word-wrap mode.
      • isWordwrap

        public boolean isWordwrap()
        Tests if the text area is in word-wrap mode.
        true if the component is in word-wrap mode, false if not.
      • readDesign

        public void readDesign​(org.jsoup.nodes.Element design,
                               DesignContext designContext)
        Description copied from interface: Component
        Reads the component state from the given design.

        The component is responsible not only for updating its own state but also for ensuring that its children update their state based on the design.

        It is assumed that the component is in its default state when this method is called. Reading should only take into consideration attributes specified in the design and not reset any unspecified attributes to their defaults.

        This method must not modify the design.

        Specified by:
        readDesign in interface Component
        readDesign in class AbstractTextField
        design - The element to obtain the state from
        designContext - The DesignContext instance used for parsing the design
      • writeDesign

        public void writeDesign​(org.jsoup.nodes.Element design,
                                DesignContext designContext)
        Description copied from interface: Component
        Writes the component state to the given design.

        The component is responsible not only for writing its own state but also for ensuring that its children write their state to the design.

        This method must not modify the component state.

        Specified by:
        writeDesign in interface Component
        writeDesign in class AbstractTextField
        design - The element to write the component state to. Any previous attributes or child nodes are not cleared.
        designContext - The DesignContext instance used for writing the design
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Clears the value of the field.

        The field value is typically reset to the initial value of the field. Calling Field.isEmpty() on a cleared field must always returns true.

        Specified by:
        clear in interface Field<String>
        clear in class AbstractField<String>