Interface VariableOwner

    • Method Detail

      • changeVariables

        void changeVariables​(Object source,
                             Map<String,​Object> variables)
        Called when one or more variables handled by the implementing class are changed.
        source - the Source of the variable change. This is the origin of the event. For example in Web Adapter this is the request.
        variables - the Mapping from variable names to new variable values.
      • isEnabled

        boolean isEnabled()

        Tests if the variable owner is enabled or not. The terminal should not send any variable changes to disabled variable owners.

        true if the variable owner is enabled, false if not
      • isImmediate

        boolean isImmediate()

        Tests if the variable owner is in immediate mode or not. Being in immediate mode means that all variable changes are required to be sent back from the terminal immediately when they occur.

        Note: VariableOwner does not include a set- method for the immediateness property. This is because not all VariableOwners wish to offer the functionality. Such VariableOwners are never in the immediate mode, thus they always return false in isImmediate().

        true if the component is in immediate mode, false if not.