Package com.vaadin.ui

Class ListSelect

    • Constructor Detail

      • ListSelect

        public ListSelect()
      • ListSelect

        public ListSelect​(String caption)
    • Method Detail

      • setColumns

        public void setColumns​(int columns)
        As of 7.0. "Columns" does not reflect the exact number of characters that will be displayed. It is better to use setWidth together with "em" to control the width of the field.
        Sets the width of the component so that it can display approximately the given number of letters.

        Calling setColumns(10); is equivalent to calling setWidth("10em");

        columns - the number of columns to set.
      • getColumns

        public int getColumns()
        As of 7.0. "Columns" does not reflect the exact number of characters that will be displayed. It is better to use setWidth together with "em" to control the width of the field.
        Gets the number of columns for the component.
        See Also:
      • getRows

        public int getRows()
      • setRows

        public void setRows​(int rows)
        Sets the number of rows in the editor. If the number of rows is set 0, the actual number of displayed rows is determined implicitly by the adapter.
        rows - the number of rows to set.