Package com.vaadin.ui

Class AbstractField.FocusShortcut

    • Constructor Detail

      • FocusShortcut

        public FocusShortcut​(Component.Focusable focusable,
                             String shorthandCaption)
        Creates a keyboard shortcut for focusing the given Component.Focusable using the shorthand notation defined in ShortcutAction.
        focusable - to focused when the shortcut is invoked
        shorthandCaption - caption with keycode and modifiers indicated
      • FocusShortcut

        public FocusShortcut​(Component.Focusable focusable,
                             int keyCode,
                             int... modifiers)
        Creates a keyboard shortcut for focusing the given Component.Focusable.
        focusable - to focused when the shortcut is invoked
        keyCode - keycode that invokes the shortcut
        modifiers - modifiers required to invoke the shortcut
      • FocusShortcut

        public FocusShortcut​(Component.Focusable focusable,
                             int keyCode)
        Creates a keyboard shortcut for focusing the given Component.Focusable.
        focusable - to focused when the shortcut is invoked
        keyCode - keycode that invokes the shortcut