Class AbstractClientConnector

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractClientConnector

        public AbstractClientConnector()
    • Method Detail

      • registerRpc

        protected <T extends ServerRpc> void registerRpc​(T implementation,
                                                         Class<T> rpcInterfaceType)
        Registers an RPC interface implementation for this component. A component can listen to multiple RPC interfaces, and subclasses can register additional implementations.
        implementation - RPC interface implementation
        rpcInterfaceType - RPC interface class for which the implementation should be registered
      • registerRpc

        protected <T extends ServerRpc> void registerRpc​(T implementation)
        Registers an RPC interface implementation for this component. A component can listen to multiple RPC interfaces, and subclasses can register additional implementations.
        implementation - RPC interface implementation. Also used to deduce the type.
      • getState

        protected SharedState getState()
        Returns the shared state for this connector. The shared state object is shared between the server connector and the client connector. Changes are only communicated from the server to the client and not in the other direction.

        As a side effect, marks the connector dirty so any changes done to the state will be sent to the client. Use getState(false) to avoid marking the connector as dirty.

        The shared state for this connector. Never null.
      • getState

        protected SharedState getState​(boolean markAsDirty)
        Returns the shared state for this connector.
        markAsDirty - true if the connector should automatically be marked dirty, false otherwise
        The shared state for this connector. Never null.
        See Also:
      • createState

        protected SharedState createState()
        Creates the shared state bean to be used in server to client communication.

        By default a state object of the defined return type of getState() is created. Subclasses can override this method and return a new instance of the correct state class but this should rarely be necessary.

        No configuration of the values of the state should be performed in createState().

        new shared state object
      • getRpcProxy

        protected <T extends ClientRpc> T getRpcProxy​(Class<T> rpcInterface)
        Returns an RPC proxy for a given server to client RPC interface for this component. TODO more javadoc, subclasses, ...
        rpcInterface - RPC interface type
      • addMethodInvocationToQueue

        protected void addMethodInvocationToQueue​(String interfaceName,
                                                  Method method,
                                                  Object[] parameters)
        For internal use: adds a method invocation to the pending RPC call queue.
        interfaceName - RPC interface name
        method - RPC method
        parameters - RPC all parameters
      • getRpcManager

        public ServerRpcManager<?> getRpcManager​(String rpcInterfaceName)
        Description copied from interface: ClientConnector
        Returns the RPC manager instance to use when receiving calls for an RPC interface.
        Specified by:
        getRpcManager in interface ClientConnector
        rpcInterfaceName - name of the interface for which the call was made
        ServerRpcManager or null if none found for the interface
      • getConnectorId

        public String getConnectorId()
        Description copied from interface: Connector
        Returns the id for this connector. This is set by the framework and does not change during the lifetime of a connector.
        Specified by:
        getConnectorId in interface Connector
        The id for the connector.
      • getSession

        protected VaadinSession getSession()
        Finds the VaadinSession to which this connector belongs. If the connector has not been attached, null is returned.
        The connector's session, or null if not attached
      • getUI

        public UI getUI()
        Finds a UI ancestor of this connector. null is returned if no UI ancestor is found (typically because the connector is not attached to a proper hierarchy).
        Specified by:
        getUI in interface ClientConnector
        the UI ancestor of this connector, or null if none is found.
      • markAsDirtyRecursive

        public void markAsDirtyRecursive()
        Description copied from interface: ClientConnector
        Causes this connector and all connectors below it to be marked as dirty.

        This should only be used in special cases, e.g when the state of a descendant depends on the state of an ancestor.

        Specified by:
        markAsDirtyRecursive in interface ClientConnector
        See Also:
      • getAllChildrenIterable

        public static Iterable<? extends ClientConnector> getAllChildrenIterable​(ClientConnector connector)
        Get an Iterable for iterating over all child connectors, including both extensions and child components.
        connector - the connector to get children for
        an Iterable giving all child connectors.
      • addExtension

        protected void addExtension​(Extension extension)
        Add an extension to this connector. This method is protected to allow extensions to select which targets they can extend.
        extension - the extension to add
      • removeExtension

        public void removeExtension​(Extension extension)
        Description copied from interface: ClientConnector
        Remove an extension from this connector.
        Specified by:
        removeExtension in interface ClientConnector
        extension - the extension to remove.
      • isAttached

        public boolean isAttached()
        Description copied from interface: ClientConnector
        Checks if the connector is attached to a VaadinSession.
        Specified by:
        isAttached in interface ClientConnector
        true if the connector is attached to a session, false otherwise
      • attach

        public void attach()
        Description copied from interface: ClientConnector
        Notifies the connector that it is connected to a VaadinSession (and therefore also to a UI).

        The caller of this method is #setParent(ClientConnector) if the parent is itself already attached to the session. If not, the parent will call the ClientConnector.attach() for all its children when it is attached to the session. This method is always called before the connector's data is sent to the client-side for the first time.

        The attachment logic is implemented in AbstractClientConnector.

        Specified by:
        attach in interface ClientConnector
      • detach

        public void detach()
        Notifies the connector that it is detached from its VaadinSession.

        The caller of this method is #setParent(ClientConnector) if the parent is in the session. When the parent is detached from the session it is its responsibility to call ClientConnector.detach() for each of its children.

        The getSession() and getUI() methods might return null after this method is called.

        Specified by:
        detach in interface ClientConnector
      • isConnectorEnabled

        public boolean isConnectorEnabled()
        Description copied from interface: ClientConnector
        Checks if the communicator is enabled. An enabled communicator is allowed to receive messages from its counter-part.
        Specified by:
        isConnectorEnabled in interface ClientConnector
        true if the connector can receive messages, false otherwise
      • beforeClientResponse

        public void beforeClientResponse​(boolean initial)
        Description copied from interface: ClientConnector
        Called before the shared state and RPC invocations are sent to the client. Gives the connector an opportunity to set computed/dynamic state values or to invoke last minute RPC methods depending on other component features.
        Specified by:
        beforeClientResponse in interface ClientConnector
        initial - true if the client-side connector will be created and initialized after this method has been invoked. false if there is already an initialized client-side connector.
      • handleConnectorRequest

        public boolean handleConnectorRequest​(VaadinRequest request,
                                              VaadinResponse response,
                                              String path)
                                       throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: ClientConnector
        Handle a request directed to this connector. This can be used by connectors to dynamically generate a response and it is also used internally when serving ConnectorResources.

        Requests to /APP/connector/[ui id]/[connector id]/ are routed to this method with the remaining part of the requested path available in the path parameter.

        NOTE that the session is not locked when this method is called. It is the responsibility of the connector to ensure that the session is locked while handling state or other session related data. For best performance the session should be unlocked before writing a large response to the client.

        Specified by:
        handleConnectorRequest in interface ClientConnector
        request - the request that should be handled
        response - the response object to which the response should be written
        path - the requested relative path
        true if the request has been handled, false if no response has been written.
        IOException - if there is a problem generating a response.
      • setResource

        protected void setResource​(String key,
                                   Resource resource)
        Registers a resource with this connector using the given key. This will make the URL for retrieving the resource available to the client-side connector using com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.AbstractConnector#getResourceUrl(String) with the same key.
        key - the string key to associate the resource with
        resource - the resource to set, or null to clear a previous association.
      • addListener

        protected void addListener​(String eventIdentifier,
                                   Class<?> eventType,
                                   Object target,
                                   Method method)

        Registers a new listener with the specified activation method to listen events generated by this component. If the activation method does not have any arguments the event object will not be passed to it when it's called.

        This method additionally informs the event-api to route events with the given eventIdentifier to the components handleEvent function call.

        For more information on the inheritable event mechanism see the com.vaadin.event package documentation.

        eventIdentifier - the identifier of the event to listen for
        eventType - the type of the listened event. Events of this type or its subclasses activate the listener.
        target - the object instance who owns the activation method.
        method - the activation method.
      • hasListeners

        protected boolean hasListeners​(Class<?> eventType)
        Checks if the given Component.Event type is listened for this component.
        eventType - the event type to be checked
        true if a listener is registered for the given event type
      • removeListener

        protected void removeListener​(String eventIdentifier,
                                      Class<?> eventType,
                                      Object target)
        Removes all registered listeners matching the given parameters. Since this method receives the event type and the listener object as parameters, it will unregister all object's methods that are registered to listen to events of type eventType generated by this component.

        This method additionally informs the event-api to stop routing events with the given eventIdentifier to the components handleEvent function call.

        For more information on the inheritable event mechanism see the com.vaadin.event package documentation.

        eventIdentifier - the identifier of the event to stop listening for
        eventType - the exact event type the object listens to.
        target - the target object that has registered to listen to events of type eventType with one or more methods.
      • addListener

        public void addListener​(Class<?> eventType,
                                Object target,
                                Method method)

        Registers a new listener with the specified activation method to listen events generated by this component. If the activation method does not have any arguments the event object will not be passed to it when it's called.

        For more information on the inheritable event mechanism see the com.vaadin.event package documentation.

        Specified by:
        addListener in interface MethodEventSource
        eventType - the type of the listened event. Events of this type or its subclasses activate the listener.
        target - the object instance who owns the activation method.
        method - the activation method.
      • addListener

        public void addListener​(Class<?> eventType,
                                Object target,
                                String methodName)
        As of 7.0. This method should be avoided. Use addListener(Class, Object, Method) or addListener(String, Class, Object, Method) instead.

        Convenience method for registering a new listener with the specified activation method to listen events generated by this component. If the activation method does not have any arguments the event object will not be passed to it when it's called.

        This version of addListener gets the name of the activation method as a parameter. The actual method is reflected from object, and unless exactly one match is found, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

        For more information on the inheritable event mechanism see the com.vaadin.event package documentation.

        Note: Using this method is discouraged because it cannot be checked during compilation. Use addListener(Class, Object, Method) or #addListener(com.vaadin.ui.Component.Listener) instead.

        Specified by:
        addListener in interface MethodEventSource
        eventType - the type of the listened event. Events of this type or its subclasses activate the listener.
        target - the object instance who owns the activation method.
        methodName - the name of the activation method.
      • removeListener

        public void removeListener​(Class<?> eventType,
                                   Object target)
        Removes all registered listeners matching the given parameters. Since this method receives the event type and the listener object as parameters, it will unregister all object's methods that are registered to listen to events of type eventType generated by this component.

        For more information on the inheritable event mechanism see the com.vaadin.event package documentation.

        Specified by:
        removeListener in interface MethodEventSource
        eventType - the exact event type the object listens to.
        target - the target object that has registered to listen to events of type eventType with one or more methods.
      • removeListener

        public void removeListener​(Class<?> eventType,
                                   Object target,
                                   Method method)
        Removes one registered listener method. The given method owned by the given object will no longer be called when the specified events are generated by this component.

        For more information on the inheritable event mechanism see the com.vaadin.event package documentation.

        Specified by:
        removeListener in interface MethodEventSource
        eventType - the exact event type the object listens to.
        target - target object that has registered to listen to events of type eventType with one or more methods.
        method - the method owned by target that's registered to listen to events of type eventType.
      • removeListener

        public void removeListener​(Class<?> eventType,
                                   Object target,
                                   String methodName)
        As of 7.0. This method should be avoided. Use removeListener(Class, Object, Method) instead.

        Removes one registered listener method. The given method owned by the given object will no longer be called when the specified events are generated by this component.

        This version of removeListener gets the name of the activation method as a parameter. The actual method is reflected from target, and unless exactly one match is found, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

        For more information on the inheritable event mechanism see the com.vaadin.event package documentation.

        Specified by:
        removeListener in interface MethodEventSource
        eventType - the exact event type the object listens to.
        target - the target object that has registered to listen to events of type eventType with one or more methods.
        methodName - the name of the method owned by target that's registered to listen to events of type eventType.
      • getListeners

        public Collection<?> getListeners​(Class<?> eventType)
        Returns all listeners that are registered for the given event type or one of its subclasses.
        eventType - The type of event to return listeners for.
        A collection with all registered listeners. Empty if no listeners are found.
      • fireEvent

        protected void fireEvent​(EventObject event)
        Sends the event to all listeners.
        event - the Event to be sent to all listeners.
      • getErrorHandler

        public ErrorHandler getErrorHandler()
        Description copied from interface: ClientConnector
        Gets the error handler for the connector. The error handler is dispatched whenever there is an error processing the data coming from the client to this connector.
        Specified by:
        getErrorHandler in interface ClientConnector
        The error handler or null if not set
      • setErrorHandler

        public void setErrorHandler​(ErrorHandler errorHandler)
        Description copied from interface: ClientConnector
        Sets the error handler for the connector. The error handler is dispatched whenever there is an error processing the data coming from the client for this connector.
        Specified by:
        setErrorHandler in interface ClientConnector
        errorHandler - The error handler for this connector
      • isThis

        protected boolean isThis​(Object that)
        only defined for framework hacks, do not use.
        For internal use only, may be changed or removed in future versions.

        This method must be protected, because otherwise it will not be redefined by the proxy to actually be called on the underlying instance.

        See #14639

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object