Interface JsonObject

    • Method Detail

      • get

        <T extends JsonValue> T get​(String key)
        Return the element (uncoerced) as a JsonValue.
      • getArray

        JsonArray getArray​(String key)
        Return the element (uncoerced) as a JsonArray. If the type is not an array, this can result in runtime errors.
      • getBoolean

        boolean getBoolean​(String key)
        Return the element (uncoerced) as a boolean. If the type is not a boolean, this can result in runtime errors.
      • getNumber

        double getNumber​(String key)
        Return the element (uncoerced) as a number. If the type is not a number, this can result in runtime errors.
      • getObject

        JsonObject getObject​(String key)
        Return the element (uncoerced) as a JsonObject If the type is not an object,, this can result in runtime errors.
      • getString

        String getString​(String key)
        Return the element (uncoerced) as a String. If the type is not a String, this can result in runtime errors.
      • keys

        String[] keys()
        All keys of the object.
      • put

        void put​(String key,
                 JsonValue value)
        Set a given key to the given value.
      • put

        void put​(String key,
                 String value)
        Set a given key to the given String value.
      • put

        void put​(String key,
                 double value)
        Set a given key to the given double value.
      • put

        void put​(String key,
                 boolean bool)
        Set a given key to the given boolean value.
      • hasKey

        boolean hasKey​(String key)
        Test whether a given key has present.
      • remove

        void remove​(String key)
        Remove a given key and associated value from the object.
        key -