Interface JsonValue

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean asBoolean()
      Coerces underlying value to boolean according to the rules of Javascript coercion.
      double asNumber()
      Coerces the underlying value to a number according to the rules of Javascript coercion.
      String asString()
      Coerces the underlying value to a String according to the rules of JavaScript coercion.
      JsonType getType()
      Returns an enumeration representing the fundamental JSON type.
      boolean jsEquals​(JsonValue value)
      Equivalent of Javascript '==' operator comparison between two values.
      String toJson()
      Returns a serialized JSON string representing this value.
      Object toNative()
      If used in a GWT context (dev or prod mode), converts the object to a native JavaScriptObject suitable for passing to JSNI methods.
    • Method Detail

      • asBoolean

        boolean asBoolean()
        Coerces underlying value to boolean according to the rules of Javascript coercion.
      • asNumber

        double asNumber()
        Coerces the underlying value to a number according to the rules of Javascript coercion.
      • asString

        String asString()
        Coerces the underlying value to a String according to the rules of JavaScript coercion.
      • getType

        JsonType getType()
        Returns an enumeration representing the fundamental JSON type.
      • toJson

        String toJson()
        Returns a serialized JSON string representing this value.
      • jsEquals

        boolean jsEquals​(JsonValue value)
        Equivalent of Javascript '==' operator comparison between two values.
      • toNative

        Object toNative()
        If used in a GWT context (dev or prod mode), converts the object to a native JavaScriptObject suitable for passing to JSNI methods. Otherwise, returns the current object in other contexts, such as server-side use.