Interface Container.Ordered

    • Method Detail

      • nextItemId

        Object nextItemId​(Object itemId)
        Gets the ID of the Item following the Item that corresponds to itemId. If the given Item is the last or not found in the Container, null is returned.
        itemId - ID of a visible Item in the Container
        ID of the next visible Item or null
      • prevItemId

        Object prevItemId​(Object itemId)
        Gets the ID of the Item preceding the Item that corresponds to itemId. If the given Item is the first or not found in the Container, null is returned.
        itemId - ID of a visible Item in the Container
        ID of the previous visible Item or null
      • firstItemId

        Object firstItemId()
        Gets the ID of the first Item in the Container.
        ID of the first visible Item in the Container
      • lastItemId

        Object lastItemId()
        Gets the ID of the last Item in the Container..
        ID of the last visible Item in the Container
      • isFirstId

        boolean isFirstId​(Object itemId)
        Tests if the Item corresponding to the given Item ID is the first Item in the Container.
        itemId - ID of an Item in the Container
        true if the Item is first visible item in the Container, false if not
      • isLastId

        boolean isLastId​(Object itemId)
        Tests if the Item corresponding to the given Item ID is the last Item in the Container.
        true if the Item is last visible item in the Container, false if not